kafenes wrote:Decided to buy a new TV but can't seem to decide which one is the better one. I am looking for a large screen, 40 or 42 inch. I have read some comparison charts and got even more confused. Please help!
kafenes wrote:Decided to buy a new TV but can't seem to decide which one is the better one. I am looking for a large screen, 40 or 42 inch. I have read some comparison charts and got even more confused. Please help!
raymanuva wrote:dude, i have a TV in the bathroom...i watch Euronews while i brush my teeth... i have projector in my bedroom, i have LCD tv in the living room, kitchen and kids room... i've tried all kinds, telling you again, go for plasma, its cheaper and have better picture quality in terms of colors and contrast. With current technological progress we will be swapping for new stuff every 5 years... so there is no point of discussing whats more reliable etc etc...
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