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Postby BC Numismatics » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:28 pm

Thanks for that.Best wishes for Eid.

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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:33 pm

phoenix wrote:Happy Celebrations of life on Earth to one and all.

Let us reverse the curses of the beliefs that separate Humans, in the New Year.

BTW: . . . . . How many times a year do you celebrate BAYRAM? . . . seems to me, there was another one just a few months ago!


Selam aleyke ya Phoenix mou.

As 74 London boy says its twicwe a year with two lunar months gap between them.

Apart from the seasonal greetings, may your imminent move to Cyprus be smooth.

Make sure you get on-line asap. :lol:

btw, Specsavers still waiting :lol:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:40 pm

Salaam Aleikum,Deniz.Hope you have a good Christmas & New Year.

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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:50 pm

BC Numismatics wrote:Salaam Aleikum,Deniz.Hope you have a good Christmas & New Year.


Reciprocated my friend.

To you and all your loved ones :lol:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:06 pm

Deniz,are you a Muslim? I live in a block of flats that has a very strong Muslim community who originally came from both Somaliland & Somalia.The Somalians have got funny when they found out that I am a pro-Somaliland supporter.

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Postby boomerang » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:09 pm

so how can you tell them apart?...better not answer this one and claim the 5th :lol:
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:46 pm

'74LondonBoy wrote:
phoenix wrote:Happy Celebrations of life on Earth to one and all.

Let us reverse the curses of the beliefs that separate Humans, in the New Year.

BTW: . . . . . How many times a year do you celebrate BAYRAM? . . . seems to me, there was another one just a few months ago!


2 celebrations a year - one at the end of Ramadan (which was a few months ago - Ramazan Bayramı), and the one now, which is known as the festival of sacrifice (Kurban bayramı).

These wikipedia articles will explain much better than me !

Ramadan -
Kurban -

Thank you :D
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:54 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:Happy Celebrations of life on Earth to one and all.

Let us reverse the curses of the beliefs that separate Humans, in the New Year.

BTW: . . . . . How many times a year do you celebrate BAYRAM? . . . seems to me, there was another one just a few months ago!


Selam aleyke ya Phoenix mou.

As 74 London boy says its twicwe a year with two lunar months gap between them.

Apart from the seasonal greetings, may your imminent move to Cyprus be smooth.

Make sure you get on-line asap. :lol:

btw, Specsavers still waiting :lol:

Hello deniz . . . have you noticed I'm spending less time on the forum? I'm acclimatising :D It will be the local Internet cafe for me for a while methinks.
I can't wait to hear that soothing ( / stormy) sea at my doorstep, walk through the fields to get to school, visit the local Co-op for farmers' produce, start my little vegetable patch going, get some rabbits and hens . . . . . and then maybe find something to reverse the decline of the brain cells :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:13 pm

phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:Happy Celebrations of life on Earth to one and all.

Let us reverse the curses of the beliefs that separate Humans, in the New Year.

BTW: . . . . . How many times a year do you celebrate BAYRAM? . . . seems to me, there was another one just a few months ago!


Selam aleyke ya Phoenix mou.

As 74 London boy says its twicwe a year with two lunar months gap between them.

Apart from the seasonal greetings, may your imminent move to Cyprus be smooth.

Make sure you get on-line asap. :lol:

btw, Specsavers still waiting :lol:

Hello deniz . . . have you noticed I'm spending less time on the forum? I'm acclimatising :D It will be the local Internet cafe for me for a while methinks.
I can't wait to hear that soothing ( / stormy) sea at my doorstep, walk through the fields to get to school, visit the local Co-op for farmers' produce, start my little vegetable patch going, get some rabbits and hens . . . . . and then maybe find something to reverse the decline of the brain cells :lol:

Alright, for a while I was beginning to think you were avoiding my friendly advances. No, just kidding.

Just stop winding me up when you get to Cyprus and telling me how much you are enjoying it, while I have another two years to retirement in this hell hole. :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:23 pm

BC Numismatics wrote:Deniz,are you a Muslim? I live in a block of flats that has a very strong Muslim community who originally came from both Somaliland & Somalia.The Somalians have got funny when they found out that I am a pro-Somaliland supporter.


Yes I was brought up as a Sunni Moslem whilst in Cyprus. Nowadays I am a believer in he traditions of Rumi (Mevlana Celaleddin). Who was dead against the outward facet of religion. He believed in universal love through god and the heart.

The Somalis. They wouldnt know Somaliland maybe. That contained the total area inhabited by the Somalis, Eritreans and some Ethiopeans. (my opinion). So they would have been confused. In the UK, somalis are the least liked Immigrants. Too many gangs, drug dealers, treatment of not only their own women even English female Teachers leave a lot to be desired. So be careful with them. I am not racist, believe me.
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