On the 13th of November, Nikki from The Netherlands presented Rosie Charalambous of Cans For Kids with an enveloppe containing the 26 Cyprus pounds that she raised from the sale of her paintings. Mrs. Charalambous was at the school talking to the children about the importance of recycling.
Many children are setting a good example and telling their moms and dads not to throw away their cans in the regular bins. For the nearest can collection bin please see www.cansforkids.org. Cans For Kids collect cans for recycling and donate the proceeds to the Makarios Hospital in Nicosia, which is the central paediatric hospital treating seriously ill children from all over the island.
To raise more awareness for recycling and sick children, the inspired students have made beautiful paintings on canvasses measuring 30x30 cm about recycling and the environment. The paintings can be seen and bought online and are accompanied by a few words on what the little artist is portraiting. One painting has already received an offer of a hundred Cyprus pounds!
Please support the children and go to www.bazaraki.com under the category "Can(va)s for Kids". Who knows, you might be buying a painting from a future famous artist