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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:08 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:Little pervert Bananiot wants to take us back to the middle ages, during which “might was right” and the big fish had the “inherent right" to eat the small fish, because this was what Allah was "dictating" to be the kismet of the small countries and nations!

Bananiot, I suggest you to go and commit suicide, for you are a disgrace to the history, civilization, pride and dignity of the GC society! You are a corrupted defeatist fellow, that only suicide may save your soul! No my dear demonised fellow, we prefer to die in fight to the last one, but we won't follow the undignified path you are showing!

You had the perfect opportunity to do this in 74, why didn't you?

Dig-head “MR-from-NG,” in case you haven't realised it, the war is not over yet! What we have now is officially regarded as cease-fire! The war which your prostitute motherland and the leadership of your community started still continues to this day! The war has many faces, military, economic, legal and diplomatic! In 1974, your prostitute “motherland” had simply won a battle! Ever since that battle, your mother and your community's spoiled leadership have lost all the subsequent ones! You have lost the battle to have the illegalities of 1974 become legalised! You have lost the battle to make us surrender and capitulate! You have lost the battle to have the northern part of our stolen homeland become recognised as a separate entity! You have lost the battle to achieve the derecognising of the RoC! You have lost the battle to stop our EU accession, and we have managed to do so with the whole of Cyprus under the sovereignty of the RoC! You have lost the battles in the UN, with all the resolutions! You have lost the battle in the Cyprus vs. Turkey and the Loizidou vs. Turkey cases in the ECtHR! Now, you (your corrupted motherland) will have to face our veto for her EU accession!

What have you won in 1974? Nothing! You have simply achieved a pyrrhic victory on only one single battle, but you have lost (and still losing) all the subsequent ones, despite what Bananiot tells you! In 1974, we simply retreated so that we regroup and redeploy our strength and forces!


Not read anything as funny in a long time Kifeas, thanks.

Laugh VP, laugh! Laugh because in reality what you should have been doing is to cry instead! Laugh in the place of crying! It is always better, as it hides your misery!


You are so deluded its unbelivable, thank you for not disolving the TRNC.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:13 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:20 pm

To dissolve something that something has to first exists. What exists is in the occupied areas is an illegal foreign occupation of the north part of Republic of Cyprus, nothing more than that.

And I really don't know what you are celebrating about. Yes, the Turks have always been good in killing and stealing the land of others. Unfortunately for them thats the only thing they have ever been good at. Thats why all they manage to do with the land they steal is to turn it into a 3rd world shit hole, and then beg the IMF and the World Bank to feed them otherwise they would die from starvation.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:22 pm

Piratis wrote:To dissolve something that something has to first exists. What exists is in the occupied areas is an illegal foreign occupation of the north part of Republic of Cyprus, nothing more than that.

And I really don't know what you are celebrating about. Yes, the Turks have always been good in killing and stealing the land of others. Unfortunately for them thats the only thing they have ever been good at. Thats why all they manage to do with the land they steal is to turn it into a 3rd world shit hole, and then beg the IMF and the World Bank to feed them otherwise they would die from starvation.

If you say so.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:32 pm

Piratis wrote:To dissolve something that something has to first exists. What exists is in the occupied areas is an illegal foreign occupation of the north part of Republic of Cyprus, nothing more than that.

And I really don't know what you are celebrating about. Yes, the Turks have always been good in killing and stealing the land of others. Unfortunately for them thats the only thing they have ever been good at. Thats why all they manage to do with the land they steal is to turn it into a 3rd world shit hole, and then beg the IMF and the World Bank to feed them otherwise they would die from starvation.

Pissartist the village drunk says so. We don't exist yet you look at the flag and cry every day. We don't exist yet if you wanted to visit Kyrenia you would need to produce your passport.

We exist alright mate, in fact our existence has made your life a living hell.
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Postby humanist » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:49 pm

We don't exist yet if you wanted to visit Kyrenia you would need to produce your passport.

No passport necessary .... I visited Kyrenia using my newly gotten Republic of Cyprus ID card. They accepted my Cypriot pound everywhere I went.

I met a lovely Turkish speaking Cypriot who was beat up by the Grey Wolves for believing in one Cyprus for all Cypriots.

I have learnt the difference in class structure that exists between the "elite Turkish speaking Cypriots" and the lower class the settler.

I enjoyed visiting all of my country for the first time in 33 years.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:00 pm

humanist wrote:
We don't exist yet if you wanted to visit Kyrenia you would need to produce your passport.

No passport necessary .... I visited Kyrenia using my newly gotten Republic of Cyprus ID card. They accepted my Cypriot pound everywhere I went.

I met a lovely Turkish speaking Cypriot who was beat up by the Grey Wolves for believing in one Cyprus for all Cypriots.

I have learnt the difference in class structure that exists between the "elite Turkish speaking Cypriots" and the lower class the settler.

I enjoyed visiting all of my country for the first time in 33 years.

Thanks for correcting me humanist. I was just hammering some useful information into Pissartist brain (if he has any). At least you have acknowledged our existence. Why anyone in their right mind would choose to deny the existence of a whole community is beyond me. What are they gaining?
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:01 pm

humanist wrote:
We don't exist yet if you wanted to visit Kyrenia you would need to produce your passport.

No passport necessary .... I visited Kyrenia using my newly gotten Republic of Cyprus ID card. They accepted my Cypriot pound everywhere I went.

I met a lovely Turkish speaking Cypriot who was beat up by the Grey Wolves for believing in one Cyprus for all Cypriots.

I have learnt the difference in class structure that exists between the "elite Turkish speaking Cypriots" and the lower class the settler.

I enjoyed visiting all of my country for the first time in 33 years.

Yeah try living in it and then we can talk again, pretty easy judging us from a tourists point of view :roll:
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:03 pm

Before responding I thought I would wait for Kifeas to get over his manic phase but since so many forumers got involved I thought I owe some answers. So, here we go.

It is true that the Security Council and the General Assembly of the UN are accepting the principles of justice that call for the:

(a) respect of the integrity and independence of the RoC.
(b) removal of the Turkish troops
(c) return of the refugees under conditions of safety
(d) maintenance of the demographics
(e) condemnation of secession and return to the RoC.

The above principles have remained on paper and none has been implemented because the resolutions were not taken under chapter 7 of the constitutional charter of the UN.

Further more, all resolutions conclude that the Cyprus issue must be resolved by negotiations between the two communities that will lead to a compromise solution. The united Nations have gone as far as to defined the following as consensual elements in a possible solution plan:

(1) The solution would be BBF according to the high level agreements of Makarios and Kyprianou Denktash.
(2) The occupation forces of Turkey, which all resolutions called for their withdrawal, were to stay until 2018 according to the provisions of the Annan plan, which was a UN plan.
(3) Not all refugees were to return
(4) We accepted that a certain numbers of settlers would stay after the solution thus making mockery of another principal issue addressed by the resolutions
(5) We accepted that the integrity of the RoC would be achieved through the BBF

It is clear from the above that the points of principle that we refer to and are clearly very evident in the resolutions of the UN are seriously questioned by the UN itself in the effort to find a mutually accepted solution. This is probably because the UN cannot impose a solution.

This is the real world in which we live and anyone that does not take into account the realities but prefers to walk in the clouds is bound to end up disappointed and bitter. I only thought that after so much misery we would have learned our lessons.
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:19 pm

This is nonsense! Bananiot continues to pathetically mislead people by claiming that the United Nations have gone as far as to define what he has listed as consensual elements in a possible solution plan! What you have listed is only what Kofi Annan has produced, and not what the UN have accepted! Kofi Anan, in his role as a mediator, is acting only as such, and this doesn’t mean that this is the UN positions or thesis! The UN positions are only expressed through resolutions adopted by the UN SC and the General assembly, and they have to be within the framework of the UN Charter and all the other international agreements or declarations regulating the UN and international legality!
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