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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:35 pm

Not to mention the reaction of the TCs+SETTLERS who would say we are trying once again to get "their rights" away from them.
Just digest it people:
a)If we accepted the Anan Plan we would lose everything even our properties and get a costly partition.
b)If we dared challemge anything at the EU Turkey would "intervene" once again and depart the occupied areas before they even had returned a single village to our refugees.

Coming back to the topic we didn't really need Papadopoulos to tell us to vote no. We would have voted no anyway. All we needed him for was to expose those crooks like Coffi Anan and De-Soto and the European crook Verhoigen who got rich by selling Cyprus by manufacturing this monstrosity just because we trusted the so called "UN impartial arbitration". UN today is nothing but shit! Papadopoulos DIDN'T do it. He never convinced anybody for our rights. On 2 occasions we were holding our breath that finally he would veto Turkey so at least someone starts taking our determination seriously. He did NOTHING.

I personally need a President who will fight for my rights. Papadopoulos proved he is only good for farting.
The question is will Christofias or Kasoulides fight for my rights??? I have my doubts for them too but as the Turks say it's all yazi-tura now (toos-up)
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:43 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: Bananiot is the most intelligent and open minded GC I have ever had the fortune to read. His balanced views encourage me about a united Cyprus and allowing the majority to rule but then come the rest of you which are the actual majority and send me back into the lap of Turkey and the desire to be protected from a mindset that not even the EU can effectively change. Your despot and twisted versions of where TCs would fit in a united Cyprus only perpetuate a desire to unify with Turkey rather than the south, when will you people realize this and start to change your entrenched and unproductive attitudes?

Of course Bananiot would be “the most intelligent and open minded GC” you have ever had the fortune to read! Why wouldn't he be? He is willing to make so many compromises and give so many concessions, that even you, a stern and greedy partitionist, are all too happy about it!

Did you hear it Bananiot? So much willing you are to go down, that even VP likes you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Intelligence wise he is way way above you Kifeas and I as a partionist would have no problem living in a unitary state run by people like Bananiot but I know he is a tiny minority in a sea of GCs like you and your gang, who will die perpetuating a divided island with their despot mentality, but do you know the funny side to this, you really believe you are doing good in trying to unite the island.
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:47 pm

-mikkie2- wrote:"This is precisely the reason why the US and the UK made an effort to impose the Annan 5 version, with all its derogations, on us for approval before the May 1, 2004, Cypriot accession to the EU. "

This statement is rubbish! Cyprus had already signed the EU Accession Treaty in April 2003 as the Republic of Cyprus. Irrespective of what would happen in May 2004, Cyprus was technically in the EU. This means that the 'derogations' were only temporary. It also meant that these could be challenged and also many other provisions could be challenged in EU courts.

Personally, I did not like the plan and would not vote for it at the time. However, in hindsight, perhaps it may have been better if we did, knowing that we could modify and change it to our collective benefit. In any case, the plan is dead. It cannot be brought again, even with slight changes due to the above reasons. And that is why Turkey will do her utmost to avoid a new plan. All that remains if for us to properly expose this tactic and regain our credibility.

Panic Mikkie, panic? Do you need some new clean pants to change, Mikkie? It seems that Kasoulides’ and Christofias’ irresponsible defeatist campaigns have done wonders on you and your moral! I see you almost shaking!

Mikkie, the idea that, had we accepted the Annan plan, we could have later change it because of the EU, is a total, absolute and complete rubbish, and who ever has said this to you is a clueless lunatic that probably wanted to either cheat you or find an excuse to justify his mistake to vote for it! Mike, tell the person that has given you this info, that he is clueless about the EU and talks nonsense! The treaty of accession itself contains closures allowing it to accommodate a solution that doesn't comply with existing EU aqui, and had Cyprus taken the plan prior to its date of accession (1st of May 2004,) the whatever derogations would have become part of the primary aqui communitaire, i.e. permanent! The treaty of accession was signed in April 2003, but its applicability, i.e. the date from which it would come into effect, was the 1st of May 2004! Even now, if we are to agree to something similar to the Annan plan, still the treaty of accession allows it to be adopted, with the only difference that the whatever derogations cannot be part of the primary aqui, i.e. permanent!
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:49 pm

Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:Little pervert Bananiot wants to take us back to the middle ages, during which “might was right” and the big fish had the “inherent right" to eat the small fish, because this was what Allah was "dictating" to be the kismet of the small countries and nations!

Bananiot, I suggest you to go and commit suicide, for you are a disgrace to the history, civilization, pride and dignity of the GC society! You are a corrupted defeatist fellow, that only suicide may save your soul! No my dear demonised fellow, we prefer to die in fight to the last one, but we won't follow the undignified path you are showing!

You had the perfect opportunity to do this in 74, why didn't you?

Dig-head “MR-from-NG,” in case you haven't realised it, the war is not over yet! What we have now is officially regarded as cease-fire! The war which your prostitute motherland and the leadership of your community started still continues to this day! The war has many faces, military, economic, legal and diplomatic! In 1974, your prostitute “motherland” had simply won a battle! Ever since that battle, your mother and your community's spoiled leadership have lost all the subsequent ones! You have lost the battle to have the illegalities of 1974 become legalised! You have lost the battle to make us surrender and capitulate! You have lost the battle to have the northern part of our stolen homeland become recognised as a separate entity! You have lost the battle to achieve the derecognising of the RoC! You have lost the battle to stop our EU accession, and we have managed to do so with the whole of Cyprus under the sovereignty of the RoC! You have lost the battles in the UN, with all the resolutions! You have lost the battle in the Cyprus vs. Turkey and the Loizidou vs. Turkey cases in the ECtHR! Now, you (your corrupted motherland) will have to face our veto for her EU accession!

What have you won in 1974? Nothing! You have simply achieved a pyrrhic victory on only one single battle, but you have lost (and still losing) all the subsequent ones, despite what Bananiot tells you! In 1974, we simply retreated so that we regroup and redeploy our strength and forces!


Not read anything as funny in a long time Kifeas, thanks.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:52 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Not to mention the reaction of the TCs+SETTLERS who would say we are trying once again to get "their rights" away from them.
Just digest it people:
a)If we accepted the Anan Plan we would lose everything even our properties and get a costly partition.
b)If we dared challemge anything at the EU Turkey would "intervene" once again and depart the occupied areas before they even had returned a single village to our refugees.

Coming back to the topic we didn't really need Papadopoulos to tell us to vote no. We would have voted no anyway. All we needed him for was to expose those crooks like Coffi Anan and De-Soto and the European crook Verhoigen who got rich by selling Cyprus by manufacturing this monstrosity just because we trusted the so called "UN impartial arbitration". UN today is nothing but shit! Papadopoulos DIDN'T do it. He never convinced anybody for our rights. On 2 occasions we were holding our breath that finally he would veto Turkey so at least someone starts taking our determination seriously. He did NOTHING.

I personally need a President who will fight for my rights. Papadopoulos proved he is only good for farting.
The question is will Christofias or Kasoulides fight for my rights??? I have my doubts for them too but as the Turks say it's all yazi-tura now (toos-up)

Your beloved EU told you to go to the UN for a solution.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:55 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:Little pervert Bananiot wants to take us back to the middle ages, during which “might was right” and the big fish had the “inherent right" to eat the small fish, because this was what Allah was "dictating" to be the kismet of the small countries and nations!

Bananiot, I suggest you to go and commit suicide, for you are a disgrace to the history, civilization, pride and dignity of the GC society! You are a corrupted defeatist fellow, that only suicide may save your soul! No my dear demonised fellow, we prefer to die in fight to the last one, but we won't follow the undignified path you are showing!

You had the perfect opportunity to do this in 74, why didn't you?

Dig-head “MR-from-NG,” in case you haven't realised it, the war is not over yet! What we have now is officially regarded as cease-fire! The war which your prostitute motherland and the leadership of your community started still continues to this day! The war has many faces, military, economic, legal and diplomatic! In 1974, your prostitute “motherland” had simply won a battle! Ever since that battle, your mother and your community's spoiled leadership have lost all the subsequent ones! You have lost the battle to have the illegalities of 1974 become legalised! You have lost the battle to make us surrender and capitulate! You have lost the battle to have the northern part of our stolen homeland become recognised as a separate entity! You have lost the battle to achieve the derecognising of the RoC! You have lost the battle to stop our EU accession, and we have managed to do so with the whole of Cyprus under the sovereignty of the RoC! You have lost the battles in the UN, with all the resolutions! You have lost the battle in the Cyprus vs. Turkey and the Loizidou vs. Turkey cases in the ECtHR! Now, you (your corrupted motherland) will have to face our veto for her EU accession!

What have you won in 1974? Nothing! You have simply achieved a pyrrhic victory on only one single battle, but you have lost (and still losing) all the subsequent ones, despite what Bananiot tells you! In 1974, we simply retreated so that we regroup and redeploy our strength and forces!


Not read anything as funny in a long time Kifeas, thanks.

I have. You want to know what that is? :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

That Turkey liberated you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:58 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: Bananiot is the most intelligent and open minded GC I have ever had the fortune to read. His balanced views encourage me about a united Cyprus and allowing the majority to rule but then come the rest of you which are the actual majority and send me back into the lap of Turkey and the desire to be protected from a mindset that not even the EU can effectively change. Your despot and twisted versions of where TCs would fit in a united Cyprus only perpetuate a desire to unify with Turkey rather than the south, when will you people realize this and start to change your entrenched and unproductive attitudes?

Of course Bananiot would be “the most intelligent and open minded GC” you have ever had the fortune to read! Why wouldn't he be? He is willing to make so many compromises and give so many concessions, that even you, a stern and greedy partitionist, are all too happy about it!

Did you hear it Bananiot? So much willing you are to go down, that even VP likes you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Intelligence wise he is way way above you Kifeas and I as a partionist would have no problem living in a unitary state run by people like Bananiot but I know he is a tiny minority in a sea of GCs like you and your gang, who will die perpetuating a divided island with their despot mentality, but do you know the funny side to this, you really believe you are doing good in trying to unite the island.

Yeah, right? As long as mama Turka has the keys to invade the bedroom and even sleep together with the couple in the same bed! And Bananiot is certainly a spouse that would have allowed you this privilege, therefore why should you have a problem! :lol: :lol: :lol:

VP, as we say in Cyprus, I know you by now like I know "kalp para!"
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:58 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Not to mention the reaction of the TCs+SETTLERS who would say we are trying once again to get "their rights" away from them.
Just digest it people:
a)If we accepted the Anan Plan we would lose everything even our properties and get a costly partition.
b)If we dared challemge anything at the EU Turkey would "intervene" once again and depart the occupied areas before they even had returned a single village to our refugees.

Coming back to the topic we didn't really need Papadopoulos to tell us to vote no. We would have voted no anyway. All we needed him for was to expose those crooks like Coffi Anan and De-Soto and the European crook Verhoigen who got rich by selling Cyprus by manufacturing this monstrosity just because we trusted the so called "UN impartial arbitration". UN today is nothing but shit! Papadopoulos DIDN'T do it. He never convinced anybody for our rights. On 2 occasions we were holding our breath that finally he would veto Turkey so at least someone starts taking our determination seriously. He did NOTHING.

I personally need a President who will fight for my rights. Papadopoulos proved he is only good for farting.
The question is will Christofias or Kasoulides fight for my rights??? I have my doubts for them too but as the Turks say it's all yazi-tura now (toos-up)

Your beloved EU told you to go to the UN for a solution.

My beloved EU allows me to veto Turkeys accession negotiation on grounds of occupying 37% of my country too.

How about a nice VETO for Turkey VP? :P :P
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:03 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kifeas wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kifeas wrote:Little pervert Bananiot wants to take us back to the middle ages, during which “might was right” and the big fish had the “inherent right" to eat the small fish, because this was what Allah was "dictating" to be the kismet of the small countries and nations!

Bananiot, I suggest you to go and commit suicide, for you are a disgrace to the history, civilization, pride and dignity of the GC society! You are a corrupted defeatist fellow, that only suicide may save your soul! No my dear demonised fellow, we prefer to die in fight to the last one, but we won't follow the undignified path you are showing!

You had the perfect opportunity to do this in 74, why didn't you?

Dig-head “MR-from-NG,” in case you haven't realised it, the war is not over yet! What we have now is officially regarded as cease-fire! The war which your prostitute motherland and the leadership of your community started still continues to this day! The war has many faces, military, economic, legal and diplomatic! In 1974, your prostitute “motherland” had simply won a battle! Ever since that battle, your mother and your community's spoiled leadership have lost all the subsequent ones! You have lost the battle to have the illegalities of 1974 become legalised! You have lost the battle to make us surrender and capitulate! You have lost the battle to have the northern part of our stolen homeland become recognised as a separate entity! You have lost the battle to achieve the derecognising of the RoC! You have lost the battle to stop our EU accession, and we have managed to do so with the whole of Cyprus under the sovereignty of the RoC! You have lost the battles in the UN, with all the resolutions! You have lost the battle in the Cyprus vs. Turkey and the Loizidou vs. Turkey cases in the ECtHR! Now, you (your corrupted motherland) will have to face our veto for her EU accession!

What have you won in 1974? Nothing! You have simply achieved a pyrrhic victory on only one single battle, but you have lost (and still losing) all the subsequent ones, despite what Bananiot tells you! In 1974, we simply retreated so that we regroup and redeploy our strength and forces!


Not read anything as funny in a long time Kifeas, thanks.

Laugh VP, laugh! Laugh because in reality what you should have been doing is to cry instead! Laugh in the place of crying! It is always better, as it hides your misery!
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Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:06 pm

Just digest it people:
a)If we accepted the Anan Plan we would lose everything even our properties and get a costly partition.
b)If we dared challemge anything at the EU Turkey would "intervene" once again and depart the occupied areas before they even had returned a single village to our refugees.

You are right Pyrpolizer.

The Annan Plan was nothing more that a disguised and costly partition. If we had accepted the Annan plan today we would be trying to solve the much bigger Cyprus Problem that we would have, with much less means (no RoC to even voice our problems in EU or UN).

I personally need a President who will fight for my rights. Papadopoulos proved he is only good for farting.
The question is will Christofias or Kasoulides fight for my rights??? I have my doubts for them too but as the Turks say it's all yazi-tura now (toos-up)

Pyrpolizer, the choices at the current time are limited. No president of small Cyprus is a superhuman that can do miracles.

The choices:

1) Suicide and accept a disguised partition like Annan plan. If we do that, instead of having one legal state (RoC) and one illegal pseudo state ("trnc") we would have two pseudo states, with no international voice since the international and common decisions would all be taken by foreigners instead of democratically by the Cypriot people.

2) Continuation of the current situation, which is bad, but still better than option (1), and also allows the possibility for a fair solution in the future under a different balance of power.

So what do you choose?

2/3rds of the island of Cyprus as free independent democratic state, with another third legally ours but currently under illegal occupation.


2/3rds of the island of Cyprus as a pseudo state without international voice, in a much worst economic condition, and with no prospects of ever recovering what we lost with the war of 1974 since we would have now officially signed them away.

Thats your choices.
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