I think he thinks you mean the current one and not the one signed in 1959

Piratis wrote:I think he thinks you mean the current one and not the one signed in 1959The constitution never changed Zan.
Bananiot wrote:You are not referring to facts Piratis. These are the facts:
1. The plan did safeguard the unity of the federation with only one sovereignty, international representation and nationality.
2. The plan constituted 10 000 or so pages because it included the laws for the functionality of the federation (this was asked by Papadopoulos, so that in the future his cronies would be able to call it a complicated and cumbersome plan).
3. The plan safeguarded the return of about 9% of the occupied territory.
4. The plan safeguarded the return of about 120 000 refugees to their places under Greek Cypriot administration.
5. The plan safeguarded the return or compensation for properties that were to remain in the TC component stat.
6. The plan safeguarded the restoration of human rights and the basic freedoms.
7. The plan safeguarded that no permanent derogations of the European acqui would exist.
8. The plan safeguarded the freedom of movement and the right to own a second residence in the TC component state.
9. The plan safeguarded the gradual withdrawal of the Turkish occupation army.
10. The plan safeguarded the demographic composition of the population of Cyprus.
Not bad after all, is it Piratis. I do not deny that there were negative points but I will not mention them just like Papadopoulos who promised to give a balanced evaluation of the plan but failed to mention one positive thing, just in case the "no" vote fell below 70%. You see, if the "no" vote was close to 50% he would probably have to take initiatives and suggest changes to the plan which would make it workable etc but this would be an anathema to Papadopoulos who does not care about federation.
Piratis wrote:Pyrpolizer, the primary reason we joined the EU was for our security. From what I know neither Christofias nor Kasoulides favored a veto in the EU accession of Turkey at the current state. The important thing is what we have this option. If we had accepting the AP this option, along with a ton others, would have disappeared.
Birkibrisli, the USA (and UK) have a very close relationship with Turkey for at least 50 years. There is nothing new there. If you look at the map you will see that we have about 70 million Turks "breathing down our necks" and thats not going to change. However now we at least have a state that can offer some protection against them, where with some agreement like Annan plan those people would be free to roam among and we would have nothing to defend ourselves from Turkey.
Yes, the earlier we have a solution the better. All I am saying is that today a solution is simply not on offer and I don't see it becoming in the near future either.
About the mid to long term future nobody can say how the balance of power will change. Things are moving fast now and anything can change in 10 or 15 years.
Birkibrisli wrote:Piratis wrote:Pyrpolizer, the primary reason we joined the EU was for our security. From what I know neither Christofias nor Kasoulides favored a veto in the EU accession of Turkey at the current state. The important thing is what we have this option. If we had accepting the AP this option, along with a ton others, would have disappeared.
Birkibrisli, the USA (and UK) have a very close relationship with Turkey for at least 50 years. There is nothing new there. If you look at the map you will see that we have about 70 million Turks "breathing down our necks" and thats not going to change. However now we at least have a state that can offer some protection against them, where with some agreement like Annan plan those people would be free to roam among and we would have nothing to defend ourselves from Turkey.
Yes, the earlier we have a solution the better. All I am saying is that today a solution is simply not on offer and I don't see it becoming in the near future either.
About the mid to long term future nobody can say how the balance of power will change. Things are moving fast now and anything can change in 10 or 15 years.
Of course a solution is not on offer,Piratis.
My point is that we,Cypriots,should take the bull by the horn and provide our own solution. We have an agreement already. It is called the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. We should agree to implement it as soon as possible. This calls cooperation from Talat and Co I know which will prove impossible. But nothing is stoping Papadopoulos from making an official invitation to the TC community to return to the Republic.
That would put the cat amonst the pidgeons. And things might start rolling from there. But you know and I know that Papadopoulos could never do that. I am not sure if Christofias or the other guy could act differently,but it is worth giving them a chance. You never know...
Pyrpolizer wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:Piratis wrote:Pyrpolizer, the primary reason we joined the EU was for our security. From what I know neither Christofias nor Kasoulides favored a veto in the EU accession of Turkey at the current state. The important thing is what we have this option. If we had accepting the AP this option, along with a ton others, would have disappeared.
Birkibrisli, the USA (and UK) have a very close relationship with Turkey for at least 50 years. There is nothing new there. If you look at the map you will see that we have about 70 million Turks "breathing down our necks" and thats not going to change. However now we at least have a state that can offer some protection against them, where with some agreement like Annan plan those people would be free to roam among and we would have nothing to defend ourselves from Turkey.
Yes, the earlier we have a solution the better. All I am saying is that today a solution is simply not on offer and I don't see it becoming in the near future either.
About the mid to long term future nobody can say how the balance of power will change. Things are moving fast now and anything can change in 10 or 15 years.
Of course a solution is not on offer,Piratis.
My point is that we,Cypriots,should take the bull by the horn and provide our own solution. We have an agreement already. It is called the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. We should agree to implement it as soon as possible. This calls cooperation from Talat and Co I know which will prove impossible. But nothing is stoping Papadopoulos from making an official invitation to the TC community to return to the Republic.
That would put the cat amonst the pidgeons. And things might start rolling from there. But you know and I know that Papadopoulos could never do that. I am not sure if Christofias or the other guy could act differently,but it is worth giving them a chance. You never know...
Birkibrisli gardash you know I agree completely with you. We gave Papadopoulos 5 years, he had his chance, nothing happened. Enough! Time to elect another guy... and who knows maybe the new president will propose return to the 1960 constitution, maybe an autonomy for the TCs, at least propose something to prove we do mean well for the TC people as well, not only for ourselves.
Imo the Tcs are holding their breath to grasp a positive sign that they can be safe and prosperous living with the Gcs, in some kind of autonomy, but nobody gives them any.
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