DANGAMAN wrote:I must gisagree with Dinos. Cyprus is the 3rd country in the EU after Greece and Portugal in fatal accidents judged on their populataion.
The goverment and all authorities are doing their best to reduce these numbers (thanks to no help from the public)
The driving test is more difficult to pass with an average of a 30% pass.
I have lost a beloved one in an accident, therefore I always take the opportunity and explain to young people the dangers they are facing and what they have to loose by driving illegally. (remember we were once their age)
Approximately 110 people loose their life on roads, every year in Cyprus. 1000's are disabled for life and 10's of thousands hospitalised every year. due to road traffic collisions
What are we going to help reduce these numbers? Apart from promoting that we live in a country that resembles a jungle.
Good luck on your driving exam and drive safe
i dont really see how thats disagreeing with me! i have basically said that cyps cant drive to save their lives(and quite often that is actually the case), maybe my succint way of expressing myself threw you! and perhaps my SUBTLE sense of humour went un-detected by you dangaman? in england we call it sarcasm, i dont think it has been exported to cy yet, so i wont hold it against you

as for the statistics you quote i am surprised that only the amounts you indicate are killed and injured on cyprus roads as the standard of cypriot driving is as bad as i have seen anywhere around the world, excluding maybe india!!!!!!!! they do take the biscuit! as for the fact you say that only 30% of cyp`s now pass the driving test then obviously that maybe a step in the right direction, but i would say the problem is that the teachers in cyprus dont even know how to drive properly! its the blind leading the blind out there-fact. cypriots dont even understand the first thing about who gives way to who and priorities, and they certainly dont understand reverse or parallel parking!