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1000 TCs protest at Pergamos checkpoing

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:25 am

Viewpoint wrote:
boomerang wrote:What about turks against Turkish Cypriots?...I bet turks win here on your knees and prove to me your turkishness... :lol:

Stick with your current mindset and you are always doomed to be second to Turks.

You mean like the tcs? thanks...this is why we rejected the Annan plan...we don't want to be doomed to be second to the turks... :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:32 am

boomerang wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
boomerang wrote:What about turks against Turkish Cypriots?...I bet turks win here on your knees and prove to me your turkishness... :lol:

Stick with your current mindset and you are always doomed to be second to Turks.

You mean like the tcs? thanks...this is why we rejected the Annan plan...we don't want to be doomed to be second to the turks... :lol:

Unless you buck up your ideas then you are and will always be second to Turks when it comes to cooperation with TCs and trying to build a united Cyprus. You must have realized this by now, as you Gcs try to run Turkey inot the the ground but TCs prefer to stick with Turkey rather than accept GC style democracy and human rights, must be very demoralizing being second to people you hate do much.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:36 am

phoenix wrote:It's great to see acknowledgement of the BIG MISTAKE (MEGALO LATHOS :lol: ) that the TCs have made in pretending they needed Turkey.

BUT I am afraid that Turkey will only fill the void with yet more Turks and the South will have become overridden. Its economic advantage can very quickly be exhausted by the TCs and then they will start ALL OVER again with their demands for the easy life.

As it is, it's probably the ones that are most easily disgruntled that we would end up with in the south. The types that cry for help instead of correcting the problems .... BECAUSE the BIG PROBLEM that they have to CORRECT instead of run away from, is the HUGE presence of Turkish troops.

TCs : stay in the north, help get rid of the Turkish troops then we would have no barriers and you would have shown you repent, and are prepared to assist the RoC instead of betray it. Then we can start again with a clean slate.

Prodigal sons . . . always welcome back! :D

Hallo Phoenix mou.

Do 'prodigal sons' always have there noses rubbed in to it, on their return?
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Postby phoenix » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:37 am

Viewpoint wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
boomerang wrote:What about turks against Turkish Cypriots?...I bet turks win here on your knees and prove to me your turkishness... :lol:

Stick with your current mindset and you are always doomed to be second to Turks.

You mean like the tcs? thanks...this is why we rejected the Annan plan...we don't want to be doomed to be second to the turks... :lol:

Unless you buck up your ideas then you are and will always be second to Turks when it comes to cooperation with TCs and trying to build a united Cyprus. You must have realized this by now, as you Gcs try to run Turkey inot the the ground but TCs prefer to stick with Turkey rather than accept GC style democracy and human rights, must be very demoralizing being second to people you hate do much.

VP if your tea supplies are not embargoed . . . go and have a cup of tea and you will feel much better.

We are not just second to Turkey we are about 102nd ..... Turkey will always have first prize, first place in worst Human Rights records.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:40 am

phoenix wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:I do not believe there will be mass immigration to the South from the North!! As for freedom - the North is not a prison. Also why should the TC's REPENT??? Repent what? Not allowing themselves to be slaughtered and/or herded into enclaves??? Can't you see that is that sort of attitude that will guarantee seperation FOR EVER???

Tess not seeing how much wrong they have done to cause the division of such a small Island, is what is keeping everyone apart.

There are so many places in the world where worse things have happened and they do not instantly run to divide the place.
It just goes to show this was their goal all along.

Tess you probably think they would not rather be part of Europe and instead prefer to be Turkish, but the figures as Nikitas has posted, speak for themselves.

1963 - 1974 + Nearly 20 years , and you call this 'instantly'?
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Postby humanist » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:53 am

unlike our friend Miltiades I hold no respect for the EU they will do absolutely nothing. It serves them well to to have the Cypro how else will they cover up the fact they want no Turkey in EU.

VP keep trying these tactics and we'll see what happens. I don't expect people after 33 years of imprisonment to head to the south give them 5 - 10 and we'll see though. Am feeling lucky not to mention confident.
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Postby humanist » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:54 am

The RoC .... RoCs ;)
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:07 am

Viewpoint wrote:
boomerang wrote:What about turks against Turkish Cypriots?...I bet turks win here on your knees and prove to me your turkishness... :lol:

Stick with your current mindset and you are always doomed to be second to Turks.

with a army much bigger then cyprus army of course its like killing a fly with a tank bazooka! cant the turks beat any army their own size?
If we had an army the same size we would kill the turks easily
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:02 am

Viewpoint wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
boomerang wrote:What about turks against Turkish Cypriots?...I bet turks win here on your knees and prove to me your turkishness... :lol:

Stick with your current mindset and you are always doomed to be second to Turks.

You mean like the tcs? thanks...this is why we rejected the Annan plan...we don't want to be doomed to be second to the turks... :lol:

Unless you buck up your ideas then you are and will always be second to Turks when it comes to cooperation with TCs and trying to build a united Cyprus. You must have realized this by now, as you Gcs try to run Turkey inot the the ground but TCs prefer to stick with Turkey rather than accept GC style democracy and human rights, must be very demoralizing being second to people you hate do much.

Really?... is that what the last poll showed where the settlers hold your future in their hands? second best? hmmm interesting...

Just for the record and very very saddly you the tcs are quickly becoming reduntant in the day to day of becoming masters of your own domain, and you sit there and gloat about and people like you one day you all will stand accountable as to why there won't be any tc community left....But to you is all about jealousy isn't...this shows to everyone how a sick mine works...

I recommend the tcs start coming up with a plan in order to save themselves from extinction and stop the crap we are all turks...The sooner you guys realise it the sooned you will become a master in your domain in a federal system that will serve the needs of all the people...
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:15 pm

The purpose of the posting was not to cause anyone to repent, I am definitely not into religious fits!

The interesting point was that this was not organized, it was a spontaneous burst of anger by many people, in one place and the fact that it turned into an unplanned protest is significant. The spontaneous nature of the event shows that people have had enough of this nationalist bullshit they are being fed every day, especially when the crap gets in the way of important things like going to work to make a living.

It was also interesting to see that it that the regime took the event seriously enough to send a minister to apologise.

I did not include some of the quotations from the Politis news report. But people at the check point were shouting for the EU to send monitors who will do serious monitoring of what is happening in the north. Others were protesting having to show their ID cards every time they cross the check points. These are signs that the TCs are not all that keen on separation, contrary to what VP and others say in this forum. And it is obvious why- it is dumb to have international frontiers to separate people who a) feel they are Cypriots b)need to move about to do their business over the whole island and c) because it is ridiculous to do such fancy ass stuff in an island which is 60 by 150 miles.

In the end it seems that the need for a job and the growth of "institutions" like IKEA and Carrefour are going to do more for unification than a thousand graduates in political science.

If we were clever and agile thinkers we should start a campaign, somethling like "buy from a TC today" in the south to support the small traders who come to the RoC every day to sell their wares. It might sound funny , but buying from these people is practical "confidence building measures" that far outweigh the crap that goes on behind closed doors followed by cryptic remarks made by small minded politicians to even smaller minded press guys.

The VAT returns from these small traders are also valid EU aproved statistics of how the economy is beginning to unify. and so gives the lie to the "isolation" song many like to sing.
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