Eliko wrote:Talisker, whenever the 'Sax' is mentioned I immediately think of 'Earl Bostik' (some say Bostic, others Bostick), I am not sure which since I can only recall the name.
My uncle was a great fan of his and was also a saxophonist (or so he reckoned), he played the 'Alto' Sax and was constantly trying to produce the same sound as the 'Earl' did, I think he should have known better for a man of his age but the old adage "There is no fool like an old fool" seems to fit his pistol admirably (on hindsight) as he drove the whole neighbourhood mad with his imitations of a disturbed goose.
I often think of him whilst on a duck shoot, sometimes I am able to mimic some of his wilder notes, God Bless him, I do hope he has taken up the 'Harp' these days for I am sure he would be thrown out for disturbing the peace if he hasn't.
Nonetheless, since you have chosen the 'Tenor' Sax, you may have more success, blow man blow, and more power to your elbow mate.

Eliko, thanks for the encouragement, and for sharing your reminisces about your uncle, his desire to learn the sax, and his love of Earl Bostic. Did you know he (Earl Bostic, not your uncle........unless you know otherwise!) was one of John Coltrane's heroes? Coltrane was amazing - this is him taking an apparently mundane song, albeit on soprano saxophone, best known from a musical and setting it alight:
although obviously I prefer the tenor, and he played that amazingly, a pure genius, for example:
Sorry DANGAMAN, never liked Kenny G, not my style, but glad you appreciate the sax anyway.............
Anyway - enough about sax, and my minor mid-life crisis. I'd like others to 'fess up and admit to changes they wished to make, or have made, in their life upon hitting a certain age (40ish?).
Here's a definition of 'midlife crisis'
Midlife crisis: A period of personal emotional turmoil and coping challenges that some people encounter when they reach middle age, accompanied by a desire for change in their lives, brought on by fears and anxieties about growing older.
Personally, before I got too old, I realised I'd like to competently play a musical instrument (and the sax is pretty easy!), and would also like to live in a foreign land (Cyprus) and be reasonably fluent in the native language. Making more progress with the sax than I am with Greek at present, but maybe have more reason to concentrate on the latter in the future.......
OK, learning the sax is small beer when it comes to MLCs, but c'mon folks, spill the beans! Have you bought that Ferrari you couldn't afford? Chased younger women/men? Decided at the age of 48 you should enter a marathon for the first time in your life? Whatever you need to do to not just 'stay young', but also to feel you are still learning/progressing in life - surely that is what it is all about?
I await you confessions with interest.