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Broadband: let's do something about it

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Broadband: let's do something about it

Postby kalahari » Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:40 pm


The above link will show you the speedtest result I just did for my CYTA broadband. You will note that the time is 9.30 pm – a time when broadband load should not be at its highest.

220 download is probably the slowest I have ever had, ever. Ever.

So can I ask you to take up emails with me and write to the dear lady Viviane Reding at the EU Commission. This is the email I just sent her:

Dear Ms Reding

I thought you might be interested to know that Cyprus, despite being in the top 20% of countries by GDP, is in the bottom 20% countries for ADSL speed. The average is 700 down, 70 up. (That, incredibly, is kbps – the slowest in Europe.)

This makes it very difficult for me and my business colleagues to respond as professionally and efficiently as other countries in the EU.

The main cause of this lack of competitiveness is the monopoly that is held and maintained by the government owned telecoms body CYTA. This monopoly, I would suggest, is as illegal as the gangster-like strategies that they employ to maintain it.

Cyprus would benefit enormously if you would turn your formidable attentions to this state of affairs as soon as possible.

I have every faith that you will do so, and that when you do so that you will have an extraordinary effect.

Her email address is: [email protected]

If you're an internet user (let's face it, who amongst us isn't?) and you love Cyprus (the flag, look at the flag) and you wish to see her pulled screaming out of the twentieth century into the twenty-first (admittedly, there are a few on this forum who do have a major problem with this last point) then it is your duty sir, nay! your very duty sir (the flag, keep looking at the flag) to write her an email without any further delay.

I hope you will all join with me now in a small prayer.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:52 pm


I don't know what to make of this of my Cyta/Netrunner 512/128 connection. A second test yielded this...

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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:07 pm

cytanet promised 2mbit ages ago where is this connection?
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Postby Hazza » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:16 pm

My Primetel 750/256 connection.

WTF with the upload?


Tried again with the Nicosia based server...


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Postby Sotos » Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:31 pm




kalahari the first thing you should do is change ISP. When people come here we always warn them not to get Netrunner but many of them do :( the above are from my i-choice/Otenet 1Mbit connection. Other good ISPs are Netway and Wavespeed. If you want to try it then go to and you can get 1month connection with netway right away. Then go to i-choice website and enter your Netway login and password to connect with netway instead of Netrunner. Then make the test again and see the results ;)
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:50 pm

That seems like a 128 upload speed Soto, why such an imbalance? :?
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Postby Sotos » Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:That seems like a 128 upload speed Soto, why such an imbalance? :?

What do you mean? With ADSL there will always be some fluctuations. But it is quite stable usually.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:02 am

Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:That seems like a 128 upload speed Soto, why such an imbalance? :?

What do you mean? With ADSL there will always be some fluctuations. But it is quite stable usually.

No, I mean the 1024/128 combo being imbalanced...

If I were to pay for a 1024 then I would expect to at least get a 256 upload speed.
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Postby Sotos » Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:10 am

Thats why you went with 512/128? :? The more the better for both up and down. I got the max I could get. Download is more important for me than upload. I would prefer 256 of course but I would give up that extra 512 download to save 3 pounds per month ;)
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:14 am

Sotos wrote:Thats why you went with 512/128? :? The more the better for both up and down. I got the max I could get.

You're kidding me! :roll:

Why is your ISP offering such an imbalanced package? Why can't it be a 1024/256 or even better 1024/512? You'd think that as UL goes up so should the DL speed. Right?
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