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Turks riled as Cyprus wins EU trademark on Turkish Delight!

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Turks riled as Cyprus wins EU trademark on Turkish Delight!

Postby craigbeck » Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:48 pm

As Turkey pursues its dream of joining the European Union, its most famous sweet is already set to win coveted EU recognition.

But instead of causing Turkish delight, it has all left a bitter aftertaste.

The reason is that the gooey, sugar-coated cubes the Turks call Lokum will soon be granted EU trademark protection under the Greek-Cypriot name Loukoumi, the result of a campaign by Cypriot confectioners to boost their version's international profile.

Cypriot Turkish Delight looks and tastes like its more famous Turkish cousin. But Cyprus, an EU member since 2004, put in its bid for trademark protection before it occurred to Turkey to do so, and will therefore get the official recognition.

A six-month period during which Turkey could have challenged Cyprus' claim to the Loukoumi name has lapsed.

It's a done deal," said Michael Mann, a spokesman for the EU Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner. "Basically, it's just a formality."

Turks are mortified.

"Turkish Lokum has been known as Turkish Delight in the world market for years," Adnan Ozdogru, who runs a Lokum firm in the southern Turkish city of Adana, told Turkish TV. "The Greek Cypriots don't know anything about how Lokum is made."

Nonsense, says George Gabriel, head of Aphrodite Delights, a leading Cypriot Loukoumi maker.

"No one can claim Loukoumi as their own," said Gabriel, arguing that the same core recipe is used by producers in Turkey, Cyprus, Greece and Lebanon.

For Turks, the stakes are national pride rather than Loukoumi lucre: Turkish producers will still be able to sell their sweets under the name Turkish Delight or Lokum.

And Turkey could still seek an EU designation for the sweet under a different name, whether it joins the bloc or not.

What rankles is that Cyprus will always be able to boast it got there first.

Cyprus has been divided along ethnic lines into a Greek-Cypriot south and a breakaway Turkish-Cypriot north since 1974, when Turkey invaded after a short-lived coup aiming to unite the island with Greece. The rivalry remains intense.

Gabriel's company, founded in 1895 in the southwestern village of Yeroskipou, filed a Protected Geographical Indication application for Loukoumi just before Cyprus entered the EU in May 2004.

"My grandfather started this company and handed it down through the generations," he said. "Our loukoumi quickly became a favorite with Cypriots and foreign visitors alike."

Gabriel said his company makes 400 tons of Loukoumi each year, or about half the island's annual production. His target is to double output in a year.

The sweet's primary ingredients are corn starch and sugar, boiled in vats at high heat to ensure gelatinous consistency and chewy texture.

Yeroskipou plans to mark EU recognition by ramping up celebrations at its traditional loukoumi festival held each year in June, said Mayor Tasos Kouzoupos.

Government officials see PGI designation as a seal of quality that would boost sales of the sweet on this tourism-reliant island.

"Consumers trust products with these designations," said senior Agriculture Ministry official Takis Fotiou.
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Postby tessintrnc » Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:27 pm

I will always think of Turkish delight as Turkish - I think most people do.........
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Postby pantheman » Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:57 pm

tessintrnc wrote:I will always think of Turkish delight as Turkish - I think most people do.........

Yes of course you would, wouldn't you.

Even you screen name has to boast a turkish significance so no surprise there then.

Cyprus has got the accolade so deal with it. All legal and proper i might add.

Have a nice greek (oops i mean cyprus) delight.
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:23 pm

OKAY everyone I am the leading World authority spokesperson on Loukoumia. :D

All who know me would vouch my taste buds are the most discerning.

Having finished a box of "Lukum" brought back by an errant friend from Turkey I can rest assured there are none to rival those of Geroskipou.

One month to go now and I'll be restocking as soon as the plane touches down. :lol:

Long live the Cyprus Delights ~ Loukoumia rule OK!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:26 pm

I can't stand the stuff... Image
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:41 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:I can't stand the stuff... Image

Have you tried dipping them in iced-water? :D

Or somebody else feeding them to you . . . . 8)

Either way, I bet you hate the Turkish version more, right?
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Postby Niki » Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:50 pm

phoenix wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:I can't stand the stuff... Image

Have you tried dipping them in iced-water? :D

Or somebody else feeding them to you . . . . 8)

Dipped in melted chocolate? mmmmmmmm!!!
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Postby Eliko » Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:39 pm

Unless I am very much mistaken, it was an Irishman who first produced what we now know as 'Turkish Delight'.

The recipe and production techniques were purloined (along with much equipment) many years ago by a band of marauding adventurers who were attracted by the sweet smells issuing from the inventor's workplace.

A commemorative plaque may still be seen affixed to the stone wall of an old schoolhouse in 'Lucan' ( a small town on the outskirts of Dublin) the townsfolk there have a quaint annual ceremony on 25th October, at which time they gather at the banks of the river (which runs through the town) and hurl sugar coated cubes of what is probably a fair representation of the original product (Turkish Delight) into it's flowing waters.

Vehement curses are uttered as some of the younger members of the community stage mock battles in which the purloiners are always allowed to escape with their ill-gotten gains, a fire is made ready, set ablaze, then brands taken from the fire are circulated among all the young members who run through every street in search of intruders.

The entire ceremony invariably ends in the local ale-houses and as a final act of observance, prayers are offered in memory of Daniel. J. O'Desmond a respected member of another community in Mallow Co Cork. who was slain by those who deprived him of his rightful fame and fortune.

The descendants of that man have made their own mark in many enterprises and have spread over many lands, they have a dignity and presence which is a credit to the land from which they hailed. :wink:
Last edited by Eliko on Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:49 pm

Niki wrote:
phoenix wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:I can't stand the stuff... Image

Have you tried dipping them in iced-water? :D

Or somebody else feeding them to you . . . . 8)

Dipped in melted chocolate? mmmmmmmm!!!

Sacrilege :roll:

Impious adulterer :evil:

(I take my Loukoumia seriously :lol: )
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Postby DINOS SKALIOTIS » Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:19 pm

they get half of our island, we get loukoumia! who said the men in grey suits in the e.u werent fair?
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