We seem to have touched a very emotive subject thanks to the input of BC Numismatics, he has indicated in no uncertain terms his likes and dislikes and has supplied certain websites to bolster his opinions.
He is perfectly entitled to do so, regardless of the fact that such opinions may be abhorrent to many members.
On the other side of the coin, there are equally strong supporters of that which he condemns, I feel that it is only fair to give members the opportunity to see ,hear (maybe feel), a very small demonstration of such support.
Therefore I am suggesting that we should take the time to view 'On The Road' by 'The Wolfe Tones' which can be easily accessed through 'Google'.
There are several songs available, I would suggest 'Joe Mc Donnell' might be a good starter, it will certainly allow members to appreciate the fact that others have equal right to express themselves.
I wonder if our friend BC Numismatics will agree with that principle.
Select the 'You Tube' entry.