BC Numismatics, I feel compelled to remark on your apparent objections to the behaviour of the 'Maoris' which seem to have inflamed your opinions somewhat.
You MUST be aware that those are the people that have the strongest reasons for any racist feelings, since THEY are the indiginous population of your adopted country.
Harsh treatment can be the trigger to much civil unrest in many lands, the Aboriginal races of Australia, the Red Indians of America, are equally entitled to voice disapproval from time to time.
The situation in Ireland is also the result of intervention by a foreign force, surely, YOU as a Scot (and no doubt proud of it), should be able to appreciate the struggles your own country encountered in order to establish itself.
OR, have you capitulated to the stronger influences of those that infiltrate,attack and subjugate a weaker nation?.
There are those who will never accept such conditions, the world is engaged on such issues in several areas at the present time, it merely depends on who you are and which side of the fence you owe you allegiance to.
Condemnation of ANY religion is not acceptable in today's world, (in my opinion), you do however seem to be targetting the correct source of disharmony when you set your sights on your Prime Minister, the politicians are usually responsible for the injustices suffered by us all, it pleases them greatly to observe the hatreds that exist among us as it ensures their own security.
Best Wishes to you over the Christmas Season and Good Luck in the New Year.