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Why Irish Roman Catholics should NEVER be trusted.

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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:33 am

I am NOT racist, a member of my family is married to a Moslem from Sudan and both my children's partners are protestants (all 3 I love dearly). You have had a very bad upbringing Aiden. Itsusually parents who teach children to hate - which yours obviouslty did and I thank God my lovely parents from County Kerry were not in the sub catagory that yours were.
ps Nazis killed thousands of Roman Catholics - including Priests, many of which sheltered Jews!!!!!
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Postby Sega » Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:11 am

New Zealand's race relations are far worse now than 20 years ago,thanks to a braindead Papist bigot named Jim Bolger,who was a very dictatorial Prime Minister of New Zealand (1990-97).

Your more qualified than me on judging your own prime minister, I searched him online but found little information. What did this chap do that you feel did harm in terms of race relations?
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Postby BC Numismatics » Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:33 am

Tess,Adolf Hitler was a Roman Catholic,who also happened to be both a child abuser & a faggot as well.When the Social Welfare Department over here got involved in my family's affairs,they put me with a family who turned out to be a family of Sinn Fein/I.R.A. sympathisers.This family of subhuman scum had every intention of seeing me dead,considering that I was far too independently minded for their liking.I was not only abused by this family of subhumans,but also abused by some of the Romish priests while at secondary school as well.This family of subhumans also used me as forced labour in a restaurant kitchen,which made my previously robust health go downhill.

My strongest subject at school was History.I had a special interest in studying the British Empire & the British Commonwealth,as I live in a Dominion of the British Commonwealth.One of the countries I studied was Ireland,& why Sinn Fein/I.R.A. started to force-feed their racist views down the throats of the Irish people,& successive Irish Governments bought Sinn Fein/I.R.A.'s lies hook,line,& sinker.

Sir Winston Churchill was a very unusual man who hated Eamon de Valera (who was a Prime Minister of Ireland & the 2nd. President of the Republic of Ireland (1959-73)),as de Valera had declared Ireland to be neutral.Both Sir Winston Churchill's grandson (Nicholas Soames) & Eamon de Valera's grandson (Eamon O'Cuiv) are very prominent politicians in their own right.Mr. O'Cuiv has been calling for the Republic of Ireland to become a British Commonwealth member state since the late 1990's as a way of reaching out to the Unionist majority in Ulster (Northern Ireland) & the Unionist minority in the Republic of Ireland.

British Commonwealth membership for the Republic of Ireland would be a very good thing,as it would be the beginning of the destruction of the Irish apartheid system & the sidelining of the subhumans of Sinn Fein/I.R.A..

Being of both Scots & Orkney Norse descent,I am naturally a very fierce Royalist.I was 20 when the then Governor-General of New Zealand (Sir Michael Hardie Boys) asked me to become a constitutional ally on a part-time basis.I had told him about my opposition to the illegal occupation of Moutoa Gardens (a public park in my home town of Wanganui) back in 1995.He & I met on a number of occasions during his term (1996-2001).Sometimes,he would see me,& signal to me to come & see him,as he wanted my opinion on various issues,especially in the area of race relations between Maoris & British New Zealanders.Sometimes,I would express myself too strongly for some peoples' liking.On one occasion,I told him about a speech that was given by the notorious traitor named Tariana Turia that racially abused me back in 1995.She gave a very openly racist speech comparing policies in 19th. Century New Zealand to the Holocaust,& declaring that British New Zealanders (commonly known by the extremely racist term 'Pakeha') should be held responsible for the crimes that their ancestors committed.I told the Governor-General,"Sir,that Tariana Turia is a notorious traitor who deserves nothing less than to be taken out & shot!".He replied,"Aidan,I can understand how angry you feel,as she also offended me as well".I then said,"Sir Michael,I can understand where Your Excellency is coming from,because like you,I do not want to see our troubled Dominion end up becoming like a cross between Ulster & Rhodesia - a bloodbath!".Our last meeting as Governor-General & constitutional ally came a month before his retirement as Governor-General & my retirement as his constitutional ally.He came to visit me at work.I was 24 when we retired.
He & I still keep in touch,albeit,sporadically,as I lead a very busy life.He knows that I miss him.

Some people mellow with age as they get older.I accept that I haven't.Former Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys taught me a lot about myself,including how to be resilient in times of trouble & strife.I also admit that I'm too frank for my own good on some things.

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Postby Eliko » Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:46 am

BC Numismatics, I feel compelled to remark on your apparent objections to the behaviour of the 'Maoris' which seem to have inflamed your opinions somewhat.

You MUST be aware that those are the people that have the strongest reasons for any racist feelings, since THEY are the indiginous population of your adopted country.

Harsh treatment can be the trigger to much civil unrest in many lands, the Aboriginal races of Australia, the Red Indians of America, are equally entitled to voice disapproval from time to time.

The situation in Ireland is also the result of intervention by a foreign force, surely, YOU as a Scot (and no doubt proud of it), should be able to appreciate the struggles your own country encountered in order to establish itself.

OR, have you capitulated to the stronger influences of those that infiltrate,attack and subjugate a weaker nation?.

There are those who will never accept such conditions, the world is engaged on such issues in several areas at the present time, it merely depends on who you are and which side of the fence you owe you allegiance to.

Condemnation of ANY religion is not acceptable in today's world, (in my opinion), you do however seem to be targetting the correct source of disharmony when you set your sights on your Prime Minister, the politicians are usually responsible for the injustices suffered by us all, it pleases them greatly to observe the hatreds that exist among us as it ensures their own security.

Best Wishes to you over the Christmas Season and Good Luck in the New Year. :wink:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:34 am

Eliko,there is no such thing as a full-blooded Maori,as a majority of them are also of British blood.The Maori Nationalists are an embarrassment anyway.The Maori Nationalists have been allowed to get away with promoting their hate for more than 30 years.

I was born in New Zealand.It was my great-grandfather on my father's side who came out from the Orkney Islands,hence my Norse ancestry.I am of Scots descent through my mother's side of the family.

The Scots have learned to put aside their hatred on the basis of what clan they come from to become a nation,complete with a single monarch.The Maoris haven't,as the Maori Nationalists claim that the Maoris are all one nation,when that has never been the case.Each Maori tribe is a nation.Nearly all tribes have their own hereditary chiefs.The tongue of the Maoris vary in pronounciation from area to area.

A majority of New Zealanders,including Maoris,are fiercely loyal to the institution of the British monarchy.My family are very fiercely loyal to both the monarchy & to whoever the reigning monarch is (Queen Elizabeth II),as I had served as a Six Leader in the Cub Scouts back in 1988,& I had served under Sir Michael Hardie Boys (Governor-General of New Zealand from 1996 to 2001) as a constitutional ally in a part-time private capacity during his term.

New Zealanders are becoming increasingly angry with Parliament (of whom,nearly half the M.P.s are appointed by the political parties themselves from closed lists),who have imposed some extremely offensive policies,such as instituting 'civil unions' ('homosexual marriage' by the back door).The politicians don't even bother consulting the people when they are planning to change areas of how New Zealand is governed.For example,the politicians decided to close down the right of appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London in 2003,& didn't bother to put it to a referendum.I was (& still am) totally opposed to this fundamentally dumb move,as New Zealand's legal system is a sick joke.The Privy Council made some extremely important judgements in cases in relation to the protection of Maori land rights.The Privy Council also reversed the decisions of New Zealand-based courts that were fundamentally wrong.The Zimbabwean-style banana 'Supreme Court of New Zealand' is an alien institution that is extremely unpopular,as it almost never grants leave to hear in most cases.

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Postby bigdog » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:42 am

Eliko wrote:We seem to have touched a very emotive subject thanks to the input of BC Numismatics, he has indicated in no uncertain terms his likes and dislikes and has supplied certain websites to bolster his opinions.

He is perfectly entitled to do so, regardless of the fact that such opinions may be abhorrent to many members.

On the other side of the coin, there are equally strong supporters of that which he condemns, I feel that it is only fair to give members the opportunity to see ,hear (maybe feel), a very small demonstration of such support.

Therefore I am suggesting that we should take the time to view 'On The Road' by 'The Wolfe Tones' which can be easily accessed through 'Google'.

There are several songs available, I would suggest 'Joe Mc Donnell' might be a good starter, it will certainly allow members to appreciate the fact that others have equal right to express themselves.

I wonder if our friend BC Numismatics will agree with that principle. :wink:

Select the 'You Tube' entry. :wink:

Eliko , Just because someone posts bigoted views do you really find the need to post links a group who have openly supported terrorists and sung about their atrocities for years .
I am not supporting the topic of this posts as I understand how it causes offense to people just as the bile the wolf tones spout offends me

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Postby BC Numismatics » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:47 am

Alan,are you the same guy who uses the name 'Kilsally' on the Orange Chronicle Forum?

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Postby bigdog » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:52 am

Not Me
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Postby tessintrnc » Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:00 pm

Wasn't just Eliko bigdog - I did too. I like the Wolfe Tones.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:00 pm

BC Munismatics, thank you for your very civil response to my post (I must say that I was a little surprised) :lol:

Having read your previous post I can readily understand the reasons for your aversion to those you have condemned although I am bound to say that I do feel you are far too vociferous in doing so.

You obviously have suffered some injustices yourself, such treatment as you have described has undoubtedly had some affect on your perceptions and who can blame you ?, certainly not I.

The only problem I see now is the hatreds that you seem to harbour, once you allow such feelings to enter your heart, they make a home there, those feelings can only be detrimental to YOU, they will change nothing and will only become your master.

You are obviously capable of so much more than you have demonstrated in some of your past posts and I am pleased to have made contact with you, remember the old adage, "We have to suffer to be beautiful", I personally think there is a lot of truth in those words.

Best Wishes Always. :wink:
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