Bubbles,Bill HASN'T got a sense of humour.He wouldn't know what a sense of humour is,even if it bit him on the hand.
BC Numismatics wrote:Bubbles,Bill HASN'T got a sense of humour.He wouldn't know what a sense of humour is,even if it bit him on the hand.
BC Numismatics wrote:Bubbles,here's a website of a REAL comedian,who DOES have a sense of humour; www.billyconnolly.com .
He's my favourite comedian.
BC Numismatics wrote:I always enjoyed watching 'Father Ted' with the late Dermot Morgan & Ardal O'Hanlon,as they took the piss out of the Cult of Rome.
I have heard that the late Dave Allen was unpopular with Taigs,as he used to do skits in which he would dress up as the Pope of Rome & doing all those Popish things that Popes of Rome do.
BC Numismatics wrote:Bubbles,the term 'Taig' is derived from the Irish name 'Tadh'.It is a term not only used in Ulster to describe Roman Catholics,but also in Scotland,& in parts of England.I wish more New Zealanders used the term 'Taig',as Roman Catholicism isn't well-liked over here,because of its association with Sinn Fein/I.R.A.'s genocidal campaign of mass murder.
You should buy this; www.popetown.com . I can personally recommend it,as we were the first people to see 'Popetown',despite what the Cult of Rome's New Zealand branch thought.It has since been screened in Germany & Lithuania as well.
webbo wrote:BC Numismatics wrote:Bubbles,Bill HASN'T got a sense of humour.He wouldn't know what a sense of humour is,even if it bit him on the hand.
BCN, you are so wrong. Bill has a very dry and wicked sense of humour. Read his posts again, he is brilliant
Bubbles x
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