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Healthy debate? I'm not hopeful.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Expatkiwi » Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:35 pm

phoenix wrote:
utu wrote:You know, Phoenix. You're just making things worse for him. I've read his posts - and Aidan's - regarding Maori women. From what I have read, Expatkiwi has had some pretty nasty run-in's in his past, which - judging from what his posts say happened during his school days - has colored his thinking about over-assertive women. And since your posts on this forum have made clear your over-assetivenesss, is it any wonder he regards you in that same light?

. . . . I think it's time you changed his nappy. :shock:

Start a thread for psychologically traumatised Kiwis and I am sure we can get to the bottom of both your problems. Co-dependency springs to mind. :roll:

Phoenix, do me a favor and get lost!
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:01 am

phoenix wrote:
utu wrote:You know, Phoenix. You're just making things worse for him. I've read his posts - and Aidan's - regarding Maori women. From what I have read, Expatkiwi has had some pretty nasty run-in's in his past, which - judging from what his posts say happened during his school days - has colored his thinking about over-assertive women. And since your posts on this forum have made clear your over-assetivenesss, is it any wonder he regards you in that same light?

. . . . I think it's time you changed his nappy. :shock:

Start a thread for psychologically traumatised Kiwis and I am sure we can get to the bottom of both your problems. Co-dependency springs to mind. :roll:

Great idea Phoenix, and I am sorry for taking the initiative, and here it is
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:07 am

Expatkiwi wrote:
utu wrote:You know, Phoenix. You're just making things worse for him. I've read his posts - and Aidan's - regarding Maori women. From what I have read, Expatkiwi has had some pretty nasty run-in's in his past, which - judging from what his posts say happened during his school days - has colored his thinking about over-assertive women. And since your posts on this forum have made clear your over-assetivenesss, is it any wonder he regards you in that same light?

I don't need to be psychoanalysed, Utu! This forum has confirmed to me all that I have read about the Greek mentality. The Greek people state that their contributions to World culture from the ancient world is their prize asset, but as far as I'm concerned, it's their prize liability. Like the Chinese, it has given them the 'middle kingdom' attitude of 'This is what we've done for the world, so you all owe us big time!'. This has come out with Greece's treatment of minorities in Greece, their objections to Macedonia's name and flag when that country gained independence, and territorial matters (turning the Aegean into a Greek lake, and ethnically cleansing Crete). Simply put, they are bullies! And since I suffered more than my fair share at the hands of bullies, I can tell that this mindset of theirs is no different to the gangs of maori bitches who loved to beat the shit out of people like me in primary and intermediate school.
In regards to Cyprus, I could see the superior bullying attitude they displayed towards the Cypriot Turks, and when in 1974, when they thought they could bully them out of existance, the Turkish Military came in and gave them a dose of their own medicine. and guess what: they bawled and cried like they were the wronged party - just like bullies when someone comes to the aid of a victim. As long as they regard Turkish Cypriots as second-class dregs of humanity, I won't have any respect for Greeks. I guess that it's no surprise that the word 'barbarian' comes from Greece. It all adds up to "If you're not Greek, you're nothing!"

Wow, what a post...have you run that by MuzzyRee before you posted it?

you were beaten by little girls at school?...did they rattle your brain?...Oh I forgot you have no brain... :lol:

You need help big time...I guess you are in the right country, la la land for help...A shrink in every corner... :lol:
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Postby Expatkiwi » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:23 am

Hold it right there, you ouzo-sucking, gyro-munching, olive-smelling piece of crap! I have pride in both my birth-nation and adopted nation, but unlike Greeks (or Texans), I don't rub people's noses in it by saying that I'm superior because of my heritage. Why don't you go over to the local soccer field and get your frustrations out that way? I honestly can't picture you playing Aussie Rules (which is a shame in one respect because I used to be an umpire)
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:30 am

The ramblings of a man after beaten up by little girls :lol:

Now you are saying you used to be an AFL, well VFL back in your days, an umpire?...This begs another question...Why do you always allow your imagination to take you for a walk around the block? :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:10 am

BC Numismatics wrote:Boomerang,you're being a dickhead as well as a tosser! No wonder why you are regarded as being a popinjay around here.


hey aidan, you are jumping the gun too quick and its better to sometimes keep your mouth shut and look stupid rather than opening it and removing all doubt......Allow me to give you a bit of a tour...

1...Expat makes claims in Wiki, with misinformation, spreading lies, gets caught with his pants down and back tracks.
2...He claims and exposes a name that has nothing to do with any member...again misinformation...
3...He advocates a nation to be recognised born out of ethnic cleansing...

Now you tell me big boy who the dickhead is?...the one makeing false claims or the one that doesn't know what he is talking about?

Please enlighten me...

PS...also provide proof to your are regarded as being a popinjay around here ...otherwise be a good boy and shut the fuck up :lol:
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Postby utu » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:09 am


You have to rate as one of the most pathetic people that I have ever encountered on this forum. The only thing you're doing is goading expatkiwi. By doing this, you are totally fulfuilling his expectations of what right wing Greek Cypriots are like. Whether he is right or wrong doesn't mean a thing to you. All you want is to have an online spat fest. Why don't you do expatkiwi - and the rest of us - a favor and stay off this forum until you can show some maturity?
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:42 am

This is what I said to him in a previous post to his accusations...But I see this might have escaped your little tiny brain...
This is how much of a moron and how much of a bullshit eater you are...Before throwing accusations coming from a biased site, why not ask in this forum from people in this forum, gcs and tcs, that met him a few times, what his name is rather than making a jackass of yourself...

You are saying let misinfomation flow down like a stream? would like that wouldn't you?...Instead of playing with you dingaling why not try and prove I am a liar? then you might have something to say... :lol: ...and this is a challenge to you utu...prove me me a liar...prove that the gumboot wearing kiwi ain't lying? think you are up to the challenge?...Judging by your no so mature post, I guess are more than are a moron of the highest calibre...If you can't prove otherwise,

but it looks to me that shit sticks to flies...hey utu?

One thing that puzzles me Utu is how exposing a liar is considered in your books as right wing? mind running this by me again? time i require your opinion about posting I will give it to you :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:08 am

Expatkiwi wrote:Hold it right there, you ouzo-sucking, gyro-munching, olive-smelling piece of crap! I have pride in both my birth-nation and adopted nation, but unlike Greeks (or Texans), I don't rub people's noses in it by saying that I'm superior because of my heritage. Why don't you go over to the local soccer field and get your frustrations out that way? I honestly can't picture you playing Aussie Rules (which is a shame in one respect because I used to be an umpire)

homesick? you go


Ask Aidan to send you a pair :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:10 am

Expatkiwi wrote:I don't need to be psychoanalysed, Utu! This forum has confirmed to me all that I have read about the Greek mentality. The Greek people state that their contributions to World culture from the ancient world is their prize asset, but as far as I'm concerned, it's their prize liability. Like the Chinese, it has given them the 'middle kingdom' attitude of 'This is what we've done for the world, so you all owe us big time!'. This has come out with Greece's treatment of minorities in Greece, their objections to Macedonia's name and flag when that country gained independence, and territorial matters (turning the Aegean into a Greek lake, and ethnically cleansing Crete). Simply put, they are bullies! And since I suffered more than my fair share at the hands of bullies, I can tell that this mindset of theirs is no different to the gangs of maori bitches who loved to beat the shit out of people like me in primary and intermediate school.
In regards to Cyprus, I could see the superior bullying attitude they displayed towards the Cypriot Turks, and when in 1974, when they thought they could bully them out of existance, the Turkish Military came in and gave them a dose of their own medicine. and guess what: they bawled and cried like they were the wronged party - just like bullies when someone comes to the aid of a victim. As long as they regard Turkish Cypriots as second-class dregs of humanity, I won't have any respect for Greeks. I guess that it's no surprise that the word 'barbarian' comes from Greece. It all adds up to "If you're not Greek, you're nothing!"

A cry for help?....any head shrinks in da house?
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