People said they rejected plan because they didn't like the fact not every single GC refugee could return home and that the majority who could would have to wait several years before doing so.
That was just
one of the
many reasons.
The plan actually allowed for the majority of refugees to return,and because of a huge territory swap in the GCs favour, most of those returnees would be under a GC administration.
"Huge" Territory swap? Huge? Is this person for real? What was returned to us was a mere 7% of land, an insignificant fraction of what was stolen from us. What was truly huge was the land that the 18% TC minority would get to keep for themselves, which would be almost twice as much than what legally belongs to them.
They also didn't like that Turkish troops would remain on the island "Indefinitely". This wasn't as radical as it sounded. The final version of the plan was simply a reiteration of the agreement made at independance in 1960 which allowed 650 Turkish troops and 950 Greek troops to be permanently based on the island
The 1960 agreement also talked about a unitary state and several other things. Funny how some people think that it is OK for Greek Cypriots to give up the few rights they had with the 1960 agreements, but for Turks, TCs and British not only they should not make any compromises but gain even more on our loss.
The plan actually made provisions for a giood portion of the Turkish settlers to return to Turkey, and it strictly controlled further Turkish immigration
So the plan made provisions for a good portion of illegally brought Settlers to stay in our country, therefore legalizing this crime of war against the Geneva Convention.
The largest sacrifice in the plan would have been made by the Turkish Cypriots: In order to allow the GCs to reclaim their properties a third of them would have to move from their homes.....
"Their properties"??? Somebody should tell to this pro-Turk asshole that the properties the Turks stole from us are not "theirs" but
The Annan plan was a partition plan that:
1) Officially gave almost 1/3rd of our country to the Turks
2) Created two separate puppet states, both controlled by UK/Turkey. If now Cypriots can have a country, albeit butchered, with the Annan plan we would have no real country at all. The "central goverment" would have very little power, and even then, the deadlocks that the Turks would create would resolved by foreign judges. Cypriots would loose all control.
3) We would have drop all cases from ECHR. Unlike now that Turkey is responsible not only to give to us our land back, but to also compensate us for the decades they illegally kept our land under occupation, with AP not only many refugees would not get their land back, but any compensations would have to be paid from us to us. Turkey wouldn't pay a cent.
This are just a few of the negatives of the Annan partition plan that was rushed days before Cyprus entered in EU not to solve the problems of Cypriots, but to solve the problem that Turkey would have with Cyprus entering the EU.
It was a plan made by UK/USA/Turkey for UK/USA/Turkey. Not for Cypriots. We are the people of this island, and we will fight until we are allowed to decide in a democratic way our own constitution and the destiny of our own island.