Good question Jerry, however i am a TC myself and like i said, the world works in funny and very unfair ways, so its not fair to only blame Turkey for looking out for their own interests, everyone does it. I mean the stupid GCs support Kurds for their cause but are compleatly against TCs which is a similar cause, which proves my intiial point even more.
Plus have you actually seen the ridiculous size of the so called "Kurdistan" they are proposing? Its pretty much the same size as central bloody Europe, and it involves taking lands from 3-4 different countries, no wonder they cant take it...
Diri, i didn't know Turkey had "biological weapons" that's news to me!!
Also its funny that your 3000 year old traditional clothes actually include high heels, which in fact is a French tradition only dating back to the early 1500s, plus i was not being prejudist but simply observing the overwhelming amount of work they have put on their "traditional looks" which actually looks very pretentious in a very cheap way, rather then looking pure and traditional. I am saying this because i know exactly what the traditional clothes in Eastern Turkey look like and these are not it. But since this is not even Turkey or "Kurdistan" its no suprize that they have been influenced by European traditions, kind of makes you question the authenticity of your "3000 year old" culture doesnt it?
And as a final note, why would anyone make a video to promote the "beauty" of Kurdish women, or the women of any other race? Do they feel neglected or something?
Sorry to be so blunt but all these elements look like you are trying to market yourself through false advertising for some stupid reason, but either way if the Kurds do actually succeed in their quest (and if it means tearing Turkey apart then i really hope they dont) then i would give them full respect indeed for succeeding and they could probably open up our way over here in Cyprus too