The world does not revolve around you and your assumptions
hey copperline lets cut the crap...Those
MANY DECMORATS AND DISSENTERS are either shot or imprisoned...I am talking about the deeeeeeeeeep faaaaaaaaaascist state that seems to silence do you get the point...Gee whiz, someone would think I am talking to a martian here...

In bold letters the name Shahmaran introduces those paragraphs that I wrote. "Greece invading Turkey" ? What on earth are you talking about ? I make no mention of this allegation. Where have you plucked this canard from ?
I am talking about your little warning to me in the same thread with all the links...If you were referring to your other post, then I am sorry I ain't a mind reader...get my drift?
My objections to you were (a) portraying Turkey as irredeemably fascist (b) failing to acknowledge and then discounting a long history of opposition within Turkey by Turks to nationalism, fascism and militarism, and (c) your repeated assertions that the historical record is clear and obvious.
Ok Mr...I am gonna put you on the spot here and I want a clear answer...What you saying is in turkey you have dissidents...But they are been silenced by the deeeeep Staaaaaaaaate?...Its caled fascism...Am i getting through to you or what? or are you disagreeing with me...
And no I do not think that the Turkish state is inherently fascist any more than I think that the US or Australian state is inherently fascist or liberal or whatever. I do not think that states are inherently anything except a structure of rule. And if you think his too obtuse a reply then ask yourself how, if states are regarded as inherently X, they undergo change and transformation ? Where does political change come from ? Or do you believe that once a fascist state always a fascist state; once a communist state always a communist state; etc ?
Now you are being ridiculous with your first sentence...equating the US and Australia as fascist, same level as turkey......We have no dissidents Coppeline...But in your own words you have them in turkey and are being silenced...
The rest of your sentence is another spin with a cherry on top...
But again Boomerang you insist that you know better what any of us are thinking; you insist that you, above all others, know what we really mean; and you Boomerang insist that you know who we really are though you haven't got a shred of evidence one way or another - just a big bag of idle speculations.
No Copperline you gave me plenty to read and I read...They all say the human rights record in turkey is appaling...coz if it wasn't you wouldn't have dissidents...right...
So no assumptions here sunshine, I am armed from your links...
PS...I would appreciate it if you address the whole of my post as I am doing to you so we can established points that we agree rather than, picking half and out of context...This makes us go around in circles...For instance the scrapping or defining article 301...along with everything that I said...Have another go in addressing everything...
I like your catch phrase by the way...see if you could learn something form your self...