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Postby craig » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:02 am

After an unplaned emergency visit to limassol general hospital last week ,

I took my wife as she is nearly 2 months pregenant and suffered bad belly pains, the nurse came to imediatly put in a iv drip , seemingly the new windex or olive oil thing as everyone seemed to have them i saw that night , also shortly after i noticed the amount of dirt on the bed frame , wheels of the carts and the floors and walls , as if that wasnt enough,!

she pricked her finger with a needle imediatly stuck it in the mattres she was laying on to free her hand to take a blood sample then took the needle out of the mattress and threw it in the sharps bin behind her !!!

after thinking for the last few days i realized the extreme discusting neglect of hygyne right!

so now the mattress now has inside it what was fresh blood of my wife and god knows how many others,,,

has anyone else seen things like this? should we report it and if so who too?

now we have a private doctor as of yesterday on 24 hour call with a medi centre,

please post here your storys and any usefull complaint numbers!

regards Craig Michael 967 47 617
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Postby Southerner » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:00 pm

Craig, sadly this is not unique to Cyprus, we have experienced several instances of poor hygene in UK hospitals.
There is no excuse for poor hygene in any hiospital in any country.
If it is not reported nothing will get done.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:06 pm

Shit happens when you don't live in Nicosia... 8)
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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:05 pm

Get Real! wrote:Shit happens when you don't live in Nicosia... 8)

You know that!!!!!!! 8)

In all the other places, you go to the hospital because of a headache....and you come back with no legs... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:09 pm

T_C wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Shit happens when you don't live in Nicosia... 8)

You know that!!!!!!! 8)

In all the other places, you go to the hospital because of a headache....and you come back with no legs... :lol: :lol: :lol:

In some cases you don't even come back... :?
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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:11 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby DANGAMAN » Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:54 pm

This guy, never got to the hospital

This other guy is still waiting to go

...and this little pig ran all the way home...(sorry that's another story) :?
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Limassol General Hospital

Postby Avgoritissa » Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:45 pm

I decided that I would risk giving birth there having assumed it would be safer for my baby because they have a lot of neonatal equipment that private clinics don't......however, they nearly killed both me and my son, left me in labour for three days (because I arrived on a saturday night and Dr. C. wanted the weekend off), eventually one midwife (looked like the cleaner) running between two women - same gloves on!, doctors 'too busy eating their lunch' to be bothered whilst she ran between 2 deliveries. My son was in intensive care for 2 weeks because we both ended up with blood poisoning (no antibiotics administered, although I later learnt they should be given after 12 hours as a precaution) I didn't take the sedative they offered me when I arrived because I hadn't even had a paracetamol for nine months, surely this is wrong...then I had an emergency caesarean.
I didn't see my new baby for three whole days and found it hard to believe or trust them that he wasn't dead. They told me to change my own bedsheets when they were soaking with perspiration (I was very ill On top of having blood poisoning and being on a triple dose of antibiotics and stitched up by caesarean) and I begged them for four days to help me have a shower, no way. They are a bunch of useless, lazy bitches, but even worse they are criminals.
If a patient needs them and presses the alarm button after 3am they are all sleeping on sun loungers till the morning shift arrives, so don't die or have a crisis while they snooze!
I have reseachred the net and one third of babies born with StreptococcusB die, one third are brain damaged, I am lucky mine was only left with dyspraxia. I know of two friends whose kids have been left severely handicapped by the way they were born in Cyprus, my cousin's private obstetrician was drunk and dismembered the baby. :(

There are a lot of cover ups and I wish somebody would finally do something about it.

On the other hand, private clinics are famous for expensive analysis, x-rays and therapies that may not even be necessary but just serve to pad out poor doctors incomes.

Unfortunately Demetris Mamas, Matsakis and nobody can heal this gangrene society of our paraobisti siferontologi island.

Any lawyers out there willing to take my case to EU court of human rights?
I won't hold my breath, but you can PM me.

This summer my mum broke her leg, we waited from 3am till 10.30am for a doctor to come all the way from Nicosia to Larnaca G.H. - on Cyprus holiday season there are no doctors brought in to cover. They only went and put the wrong type of plaster on my diabetic mums leg. She nearly ended up with gangrene and would need amputation if it wasn't spotted by us and the plaster removed.

So dear Craig I wish you the very best, as someone else mentioned the hospitals in the UK are full of MRSA and C. Difficile.

It would be interesting to see if you complain to the Ministry of Health giving all the details what you will get in reply. Please share.

Just a thought but I think all the hospital mattresses are covered with a waterproof layer under the sheets.
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:54 pm

The more you read about doctors the easier it is to conclude that medicine is a profession for assholes with a god complex.
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Postby raymanuva » Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:16 pm


Well, after an accident apart from the broken hip i had a small arm joint fracture where doctors decided to operate... they've installed a platinum plate with 3 screws trapping tendons with pressure from the plate... after 2 months my tendons literally grew to my bone and i lost all fingers movement. :) 2 months in the hospital and a 2500CYP bill i decided to fly abroad and get fixed properly since there was noone who could help me here... there was no point of suing since i had no chance of winning that case... and the accident was caused by DUI so i just gave up, it was my fault in the first place.

Anyway, 4 flights abroad... 3 operations, 1 of which was total tendon reconstruction from my elbow till my fingers...
Amazingly they've recovered 80% of hand activity... but from latest Xrays i found out i have a joint athritis there which was caused by so many invasive surgeries... anyway. Doctors abroad told me my simple hand fracture could be treated without surgery in the first place.


My wife cut her foot by a piece of deep glass, so we rushed to emergency since i couldn't stop bleeding... there we sat down in the waiting lobby... while watching doctors deciding on their shifts who will cover for whom... i told them there was an emergency they told me to wait couple of minutes. Finally a woman attended to my wife's case...she disinfected wound, applied some glue stuff and left.... then another doctor came, asked what happened, my wife told him she cut her foot with a piece of broken glass... he said: "did they check for any glass remains in your wound?" , "nope"... then they've opened it again, teared glued skin and messed about inside the wound with some medical stuff... :D fun fun...
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