After a chat with the lovely Lena, she agreed that I'm an old fart at the grand old age of ??.
Where does the expression of "old farts" come from.
Hazza wrote:After a chat with the lovely Lena, she agreed that I'm an old fart at the grand old age of ??.
Where does the expression of "old farts" come from.
Sega wrote:Apart from being a french wine, I believe the saying comes from when people get old. Unfortunatly as people get old they are incapable of controlling their bowels and subsiquently when they die they are known to release their last fart (sorry to put it that way but it's true).
The actual definition is: (pejorative) (idiomatic) An elderly person who holds views that are considered old-fashioned.
Hopefully this helps you understand, I believe the greek equivelent of this term is kolo-geros (kolos = ass, geros = old man).
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