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UK: Divide and Rule of Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:45 pm

Piratis wrote:
It was an improvement on your sorry state. But your bigotry forbidsyou to admit to this.

Thats what they teach you at your schools? How being dead could be an improvement over anything?

And if we liked your rule so much then why we revolt so many times?

Came on Deniz, get over the brainwashing you received. Turks came to Cyprus for the sole reason of exploiting Cypriots and Cyprus.

My sources have never been Turkish Schools.
If you had studied Cypriot history under the Ottomans properly, you would have noticed that we were revolting against the Ottoman rule together. These have been discussed on this forum so many times.

To Phoenix I answer too. We are Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots and are here to stay. Get used to it.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:55 pm

If you had studied Cypriot history under the Ottomans properly

Cypriots were treated as second category people with way less rights than the Turks. This is undisputed. Maybe the Muslims of Cyprus had also revolted a few times but not for the same reasons like us. Except if you are going to tell me that the Turks also revolted to be liberated from the Turks like we did, but that doesn't even make sense.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:58 pm

Nikitas wrote:Under the Venetiasn we were serfs and we were then liberated by the OTtomans? Is this a serious assertion here?

The Church was recognised as the head of the local population because it also became part of the machinery for collecting taxes.
What exactly is the meaning of the word Rayia? They always taught me that it means serf, which is what all subjects of the Ottomans were. No need to go into the ridiculous details of dress, legal status etc.

All conquerors of the time treated their subjects as serfs, there was no such thing as enlightened rulers back then.

Ask yourself; Maybe thats why the Greek Orthodox Church became the richest landlord in Cyprus. Isnt that one of the reasons why one of your archbishops (I think Kyprianos) got executed? May be I am wrong but I wouldnt be surprised.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:02 pm

Piratis wrote:
If you had studied Cypriot history under the Ottomans properly

Cypriots were treated as second category people with way less rights than the Turks. This is undisputed. Maybe the Muslims of Cyprus had also revolted a few times but not for the same reasons like us. Except if you are going to tell me that the Turks also revolted to be liberated from the Turks like we did, but that doesn't even make sense.

I know what you are saying as regards to the different classes of people. All over Europe you had similar arrangements. Muslim Turks for the soldiery, protecting its citizenry. The non-soldiery to pay the taxes. What do you expect? Free living? In that case why pay taxes now? Funny being 'opressed' by your own goverment/rulers. :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:03 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Ask yourself; Maybe thats why the Greek Orthodox Church became the richest landlord in Cyprus.

Because every time an ignorant peasant dies he/she signs away his/her real estate to the church in the hope of buying salvation! :roll:
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:05 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
phoenix wrote:Maybe the Turk-TCs will never understand how the GCs feel about Cyprus because they have never really had a land to call their own . . . which has not been gained at someone else's expense.

Perhaps they have habitually learned to distort the truth and forget their atrocities unto others as an adaptation mechanism towards enjoying the constant never-ending spoils of their invasions. So they come to believe their own propaganda. We are lost. :(

All I know is they will never be satisfied with any gains, and the GCs have to continue to appeal to the EU and UN to help restore the whole Island to the rightful owners and put an end to this cycle of infamy.

Whos to say you are not the ones disorting and manipulating the truth.

What do you believe was your Land before you came to Cyprus then?
You accept you came with the Ottoman invasion . . . but where from?

Which country was called Ottoland?

What sources back up YOUR history . . . all we believe in is the same as the rest of the World believes in. Cypriots have been on Cyprus for 10,000 years.
Turks invaded from somewhere and stayed.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:14 pm

phoenix wrote:Which country was called Ottoland?

I like that! :D

Turkish Cypriots originate from Ottoland! :lol:

(which is just behind the automart... :? )
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Postby phoenix » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:16 pm

Get Real! wrote:
phoenix wrote:Which country was called Ottoland?

I like that! :D

Turkish Cypriots originate from Ottoland! :lol:

(which is just behind the automart... :? )

The ottoman repairs your ottocar :lol:
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Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:20 pm

phoenix wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
phoenix wrote:Which country was called Ottoland?

I like that! :D

Turkish Cypriots originate from Ottoland! :lol:

(which is just behind the automart... :? )

The ottoman repairs your ottocar :lol:

How about a bit of respect for your masters of 400+ years 8) 8)
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:33 pm

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Ask yourself; Maybe thats why the Greek Orthodox Church became the richest landlord in Cyprus.

Because every time an ignorant peasant dies he/she signs away his/her real estate to the church in the hope of buying salvation! :roll:

I will not doubt what you say GR. Perhaps a misguided noble cause. But the system was there where this practice was allowed. But in all cases?
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