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Postby webbo » Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:54 am

phoenix wrote:
greek.god wrote:Columbo was great. Does anyone remember McCloud, Mannix, Ironside and last but not least Magnum P.I. Man, I'm currently feeling old.

I remember McCloud. 8) He had a moustache and rode around on a horse in N.Y. The same actor starred in one of my favourite Speilberg movies "Duel" . . . about a truck driver that stalks a car. You could really see Speilberg's filming style developing for "Jaws". :D

Dennis Hopper played 'McCloud' and I believe he was the partner to Peter Fonda in 'Easy Rider', a movie I have never seen though not sure why?! :?

I remember every cop show mentioned but only through 'UK Gold' :lol: Honest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bubbles x 8)
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