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What was your favorite toy as a child?

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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:50 am

iceman wrote:
Nikitas wrote:My bicycle with which I moved around Famagusta. The things I made myself, slingshots (catapults for the British), bows and arrows, a spear gun that never speared any fish. And there were the seasonal games and the toys that went with them- marbles, spinning tops and pen knives to play the game of "tchakoui" which is like a partition game on a drawn square on the soil. You throw the knife into the square and slice off a chunk along the entry line of the knife. You keep the biggest side. People take turns and the winner is the guy who ends up with the biggest piece of real estate.

Thinking back to that time, the stuff in my pockets would land me in jail if I were in England.

very interesting nikitas
we also played that game with pen knives..But that was a winter game cos the soil need to be wet to play it.
I suppose the name of the game came from "caki" which means "folding knive" in Turkish..does this word have a meaning in Greek?
I wonder what other street games we shared..we used to have loads of games in those days, (no games consoles :wink: ) some with no tools and some with simple tools like a pen knive or even a tennis ball...

We had this boys game we played with a tennis ball...lets say there was six boys playing the game.we would make six holes next to each other near a wall..everyone would pick a hole and we would start the game...The object of the game was to roll the ball towards the holes in the ground from lets say ten feet.we would do this in turns.
everytime the ball landed in a hole we would put a little stone in that hole to mark it....when there was 5 stones in a hole the "owner" of that hole would stand against the wall (usually covering his face with his hands) and the rest would take three shots at him with the tennis ball from 15-20 feet (pre determined before the game) pretty painfull but good fun..
we called this game "desmece"

Hey , we called that game 'dirop' (drop). Before the game began we had to pick the hole, and that one belonged to you. Because I was tall I was an easy target. Very painful as you say. We had to turn our backs to the holes.

And who remembers 'Lingiri' our primitive 'cricket game with a long stick and a short one which was placed across two stones. All great fun. :lol:
Last edited by denizaksulu on Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby phoenix » Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:55 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I didn’t have any toys so I just played with my Willie… 8)

So you are a w.....? :lol:

DENIZAKSULU !!!!! . . . . . . Language! :shock:

Now wash your mouth out with soap!

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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:02 am

phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I didn’t have any toys so I just played with my Willie… 8)

So you are a w.....? :lol:

DENIZAKSULU !!!!! . . . . . . Language! :shock:

Now wash your mouth out with soap!


Bon Jour Phoenix mou. Je suis desole. You read my mind?
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:09 am

denizaksulu wrote:And who remembers 'Lingiri' our primitive 'cricket game with a long stick and a short one which was placed across two stones. All great fun. :lol:

Try "Lingri" you Greekish Cypriot!
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Postby phoenix » Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:09 am

denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I didn’t have any toys so I just played with my Willie… 8)

So you are a w.....? :lol:

DENIZAKSULU !!!!! . . . . . . Language! :shock:

Now wash your mouth out with soap!


Bon Jour Phoenix mou. Je suis desole. You read my mind?

Deniz . . . you have brushed up on your French overnight 8)

I am SOOOOO busy today, so can't linger much even though I am dying to idly chit-chat . . . . but I'll look in every so often and say hello / salut.

Au revoir, mon petit dejeuner :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:27 am

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:And who remembers 'Lingiri' our primitive 'cricket game with a long stick and a short one which was placed across two stones. All great fun. :lol:

Try "Lingri" you Greekish Cypriot!

In Kibrislica (Turkish Gibreaka :lol: ) you can not have three consonants one after another. Thats why we insert a vowel. To differentiate between GC and TC :lol:

On a similar basis Sipor = spor (sport). Just to help you in the future when discussing the other official Cypriot (RoC) language. :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:32 am

phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I didn’t have any toys so I just played with my Willie… 8)

So you are a w.....? :lol:

DENIZAKSULU !!!!! . . . . . . Language! :shock:

Now wash your mouth out with soap!


Bon Jour Phoenix mou. Je suis desole. You read my mind?

Deniz . . . you have brushed up on your French overnight 8)

I am SOOOOO busy today, so can't linger much even though I am dying to idly chit-chat . . . . but I'll look in every so often and say hello / salut.

Au revoir, mon petit dejeuner :lol:

The French (Lusignans) left Cyprus after they sold out to the Venetians. Is it your French genes bringing out the French Language. Arent you better off with Gibrislica? Then we will understand each other better. :lol:

Have a good day

btw I sincerely hope you stay on the forum when you go to Cyprus. I couldnt do without your posts. While there (in Cyprus) sort GR out for me. :lol: as only you can.
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Postby storm » Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:48 am

loved him then
love him now
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:25 pm


"I suppose the name of the game came from "caki" which means "folding knive" in Turkish..does this word have a meaning in Greek?

It comes straigth from the the word Caki. From the same word i guess must come the expression Thakkos, for someone who is straight and true in his dealings. In Greece they do not use the word, but one way I was surprised by a fellow from Crete who asked to borrow my "caki".

You reminded me of lingri, we used to play that more when visiting my grandfather's village in the Morphou area. And I was just thinking, if we dressed in our whites and had a pticher of lemonade along, it could have turned into quite a gentleman's game! Well, we obviously did not wear whites and we were no gentlemen.

We also played a version of the game you describe with holes but with marbles and the penalty was the loss of marbles. When marble season was on, boys walked around Famagusta with pockes bulging with marbles. One pocket to carry your stock marbles and the other for the hitting marble, which was never, but never, traded.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:30 pm

Come to think of it Deniz, there was another game we played; early seventies when you were most likely busy chasing after skirt, called "Tsingirli". That sounds a bit closer to your "Lingiri"... :?
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