LENA wrote:Get Real! wrote:I didn’t have any toys so I just played with my Willie…
Same toy all this years huh?![]()

B x

webbo wrote:Nikitas wrote:My bicycle with which I moved around Famagusta. The things I made myself, slingshots (catapults for the British), bows and arrows, a spear gun that never speared any fish. And there were the seasonal games and the toys that went with them- marbles, spinning tops and pen knives to play the game of "tchakoui" which is like a partition game on a drawn square on the soil. You throw the knife into the square and slice off a chunk along the entry line of the knife. You keep the biggest side. People take turns and the winner is the guy who ends up with the biggest piece of real estate.
Why specifically the British ?
B x
webbo wrote:phoenix wrote:Chemistry Set and Telescope
Any accidents? With the chemistry set that is!?!?!?
Bubbles x
webbo wrote:Nikitas wrote:Catapults to the Americans are those humongous machines used to throw rocks at castles. The Americans call a boy's catapult a slinghsot. Over the years my English has become americani(z)ed.
Katalaveno dora!
B x
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