zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:utu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:utu how long can you try to ignore snide remarks and insults, there comes a time like in 1974 when you have to stand up for what you believe in and fight back.
Like what happened with Expatkiwi? For his pro-independence stance for the north, he ended up getting more than just snide remarks and insults. He faced a direct threat to himself and his family. Not exactly what one expects from a forum.
utu I have faced the same barrage of insults and accusations from GCs and TCs who cannot see or accept that there is different viewpoints on solving the Cyprus problem, they live in some sort of utopia (mostly abroad) and try to dictate to us that we are wrong and what is best for our future. Well what I suggest to those people are firstly return to Cyprus north or south and then decide with more insight to what actually goes on here, see first hand that neither side has any intention of solving jack shit because they lack vision, understanding or courage to compromise in order to find a solution. The opposite to unification is agreed partition which is not as bad as people try to make out it is, we are 90% of the way there anyway.

Since you are so smart and most TC living in the UK and the "TRNC" wants Partition, why have you not proposed to take the 18% and be done with it. You know by now, that the RoC is not going to give you more or allow any formal recognition to the North, so why are you waiting. Why doesn't Talat make a proposal to PapaD and make an even break. Hell, PapaD might even round it up to 20% if you asked nicely. You tell us it's about controlling your own destiny and keeping stolen land is not your aim, then make the proposal. Then you can have whom ever you wished in your "country". As soon as the deal is signed, Kifeas and his crew will start building the 20ft wall for once and for good. From then on, you will be on your own, in bed with Turkey or whom ever, will be your choice entirely. So simple, make the request and see what happens. You are now talking about an
"Agreed Partition", since you have given up on the
"Forced Partition" because no one is willing to help you get it, and rather than be seen as
" Pirates of the Mediterranean", it will do you good to do something honest for a change.
I've changed my mind...If you are not Greek then I will eat your boat...If you've really got one that is.....We are not asking anymore big boy..We are demanding our rights.....The day that you voted OXI to the Annan Plan we woke up. No more sleeping.
If it wasn't for Miss Piggy, I would have missed your post. I noticed she did not answer my post either.
Zan, for you to be able to eat my boat, you would need to have a
BIG MOUTH......then again, I'm keeping my boat away from you.!!!
Here I am making the most logical suggestion that everyone can walk away happy without a shot being fired that Partitionist want, and that is to take part of Cyprus and be on your own. It does not mean all the TC's will follow you to a 3rd world style of government where the "Pigs will rule the Animal Farm" type of system. No sir, those who do not wish to follow you wanting to go backwards in time, we can choose where we want to stay. You will be surprised just how many TC's will chose to stay with the RoC. No need to insult these TC's who love their country of Cyprus, and do not wish to live in "Turkey" without even leaving the island..