phoenix wrote:Nefeli wrote:phoenix wrote:Well that might be because Tweety keeps outwitting Sylvester

Yes, it is so much true

and so unfair….. because Sylvester placed squarely on the "loser" side of the Looney Tunes winner/loser hierarchy.
Sometimes they behave him so hard and the only thing that needs is a big hug, love and affection….
Sylvester shows much pride in himself, and never gives up.
Nefeli it seems you have a soft heart for the underdog (or cat).
How do you feel about Tom always getting thwarted by Jerry then?
. . . . . of course in real life, it's the other way around. So cartoons portray the funny side of the predator becoming the prey.
Role reversal

Nefeli it seems you have a soft heart for the underdog (or cat). -
Dear, no, for God sake .I have a soft heart for those who suffer in life (underdog or cat – or human!!!). But for the underhand instead of a heard I have a doubleheaded axe.
Phoenix, I have a motto in life: “For what it is in giving that we receive”
[(doubleheaded axe, known to the Classical Greeks as pelekus (πέλεκυς)] Here it is the history lesson!!.
How do you feel about Tom always getting thwarted by Jerry then? I love Tom.
. . . . . of course in real life, it's the other way around. So cartoons portray the funny side of the predator becoming the prey.
Role reversal
That’s right. And something important. sometimes Cartoons functioning as purgation for the soul and reverse of course!!!