I was wondering something and im not trying to inflame sentiments on this forum or claim enosis or in no way does this represent the ideas and desires of the g/c people but just a thought.
today in the turkish daily news,the commander of the turkish land forces harshly critized the AKP govt for underdfunding and support of modern equipment for the Turkish forces on cyprus.
In A hypothetical sitution and if the generals claims are true(it is reported in many defence mags.that the turkish equipment in cyprus,even though american are very old american ei m-48,m-113.If someone on the other side had a well planned attack(ala israel in the six day war of 1967) and suprised the turkish forces and captured large areas of the north and turkey through the EU or UN or greek deterance did not allow turkish reinforcments to reach the island and if a cease-fire were called,obviously the balance of power on the island has shifted.
my question is, would the G/C still advocate a bi zonal federal model for cyprus or would they want a unitary state with the t/c with minority rights and what things that were in the annan plan would they seek for complete change or obolishment.
again gentlmen this is all hypothetical and in no way does this represent my wishes or im sure the g/c wishes but just to see what the demeands be if the tables were turned.
and no insan this is not what we all sit around and conspire to take back the north but just to see if the role was reversed.