Get Real! wrote:Talisker wrote:Get Real! wrote:Any notion that the onus is not on them is totally false and simply encourages the continuation of their illegal ways. The TC community is very much responsible for the continued illegal presence of the Turkish army on the island which is in effect holding the country hostage and tied down to absurd blackmails.
I understand your frustrations and the point you're making GR!, but the trouble for the GCs is that the TCs are probably reasonably happy with the current situation, and therefore have no need to wish for reunification. All the GCs I know want the island as one again, and that was the basis for my argument that the onus had to be on the GCs and not the TCs.
I'm not familiar enough with the different policies of the political parties in Cyprus to know if there really is a plan to ensure that reunification occurs. My other thesis was that the changing demographics might make any GC plans for reunification even more difficult - therefore there was a need to obtain a solution sooner rather than later.
Can the GCs make better use of EU membership to force the issue?
That the TC community is “reasonably happy” after ransacking GC properties and benefiting off RoC territory is a well known fact! Since when is a blackmailer not happy to hold their victim hostage at gunpoint? The RoC is under NO OBLIGATION to cede territory to anyone but OBLIGED to protect her interests, including her territory, in accordance with her constitution. All plans suggested for Cyprus are in fact ILLEGAL and the only LEGAL procedure is that which the UN demands under UN RESOLUTION 353 (1974)
The changing demographics does not worry me one bit because if the Turkish army saw fit to uproot 200,000 indigenous Cypriots of a 10,000 year history then I have no problem whatsoever literally TOASTING anything and anyone who gets in my way if and when the tide turns... I think it’s fair enough.
I got nothing to say....Just didn't want this baby to be lost.....