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Hunters At It Again!

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Re: Hunters At It Again!

Postby oranos64 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:43 pm

Bucksboy wrote:Check out this link to today's Cyprus Mail.

No need to say more really. What else can be expected from an ill disciplined group of thugs. :evil:

children and adults in cyprus have little care for animals and no respect for nature ....

i caught a little basturd (english kid by the way )trying to shoot my cat two weeks a go ...shot him first with my rat gun ....couldnt reach my AK on time ...

If anyone touches my pets i believe i have a right to demand a severe punishment for life in my book ...i love my cats ...who the hell has a right to say otherwise ...

the responce by the police is typical of cyprus ,this is country, where women cannot report being raped ....and are treated as 2nd class citizens and we expect them to treat animals any different ?

take the law in your own hands ...i would have stabbed the c::T

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Re: hunters

Postby Bucksboy » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:21 pm

Can't get from your post whether you knew I was joking or not but I was....

Well can never tell if people are joking on these forums or not but I did think you might be serious!
\My only comment is that all incomers to the UK should in no way threaten to belittle the indigenous culture and beliefs. I heard on the news just today that 80% of Primary Schools have scrapped plans to perform their Christmas Nativity Plays because they feel that they might offend other cultures!
This I find most offensive and political correctness in it's daftest form.
Why is such drivel tolerated and reported in the media and who are these idiot people to tell us that we offend others in our own country with a different outlook. :twisted:
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:51 pm

Bucksboy please tell me you are joking about the nativity scenes!

The UK cannot have gotten that politically correct since I left! I recall those morning prayers in the assembly hall, I remember the hymns by heart even now, not bad for a non Anglican Greek Orthodox! It was a comprehensive and we were too old for nativity scenes but there was always some kind of Christmas do, like plays etc.

If Christmas is not to be celebrated why keep it on the calendar and have holidays etc? Might as well scrap all public celebration of religious holidays, that should keep the politically correct mob happy.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:03 pm

Oh Yes they have !!,

They are even talking about down grading Christmas to a minor holiday, because it may offend the minority faiths. Outrageous I know but true !!

The fact is that a cross section of the alternative faiths were interviewed and they thought it was barmy too. They even though they were not Christian had there own celebration on the same day.
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Postby raymanuva » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:07 pm

I saw a guy deliberately running over a cat today... what an asshole, i wash shocked... couldn't even get his numberplate. Poor cat died in agonizing death...
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:23 pm

The B*****d I hope he comes back as a cat one day. Even If you had seen his number plate what would be done Nothing !!!
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Postby Bucksboy » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:27 pm

[quote="Nikitas"]Bucksboy please tell me you are joking about the nativity scenes!


Absolutely true! It was on the BBC news so MUST be true!!
I totally agree re Christmas holidays etc. We (like Cyprus) are a Christian culture so why is it offensive to anybody at all. Other faiths are welcome to bring in their own style of worship & belief but not at the expense of our basic values.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:29 pm

Nikitas wrote:I am not calling for discrimination against anyone, but the numbers are staggering. Can the system stand such an influx?

I know better not to poin fingers, Nikitas. Personally I am not bothered one way or another (vis a vis Turkey in EU).
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Postby Jerry » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:31 pm

raymanuva wrote:I saw a guy deliberately running over a cat today... what an asshole, i wash shocked... couldn't even get his numberplate. Poor cat died in agonizing death...

Fucking Bastard, it sounds like something even lower than a cockroach was driving the car. ALL of my Cypriot relatives dislike animals, unless they are cooked and on a plate. "If you come and visit us with your dog he can go in the garage" one of them said. Bollocks to them!
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Postby Bucksboy » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:38 pm

raymanuva wrote:I saw a guy deliberately running over a cat today... what an asshole, i wash shocked... couldn't even get his numberplate. Poor cat died in agonizing death...


This is common place in Cyprus and I have witnessed it many times.
This has to change and people like Kefenes who have accused me of complaining too much should take note!
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