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Hunters At It Again!

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Postby kafenes » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:17 pm

raymanuva wrote:kafenes, i am an "ALIEN" but i grew up here, i respect all traditions, but hunting and driving is just retarded here dude.....

Ray, so you recon there are 60,000 retarded hunters and god knows how many hundred thousand retarded drivers? Ray, I've travelled half the world and I've seen some crazy driving. How would you like to compare drivers from Cyprus to Russian drivers?
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Postby Bucksboy » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:23 pm

kafenes wrote:Cypriots hunt, fish, bbq. drive etc. the Cypriot way. We don't need 'aliens' to try and change our way of life. If they don't like it or accept it, they can go back to where they came from (as if it's any better there).

Just to put the record straight...Cypriots can't hunt (as is clearly shown), and only catch paltry fish that in civilised countires would be thrown back into the sea, and you surely must be joking if you think they are able to drive!!!
As for bbq. you are welcome to lumps of fat on a stick.

ps. I will leave when I decide as is my right under EU law just like you Cypriots can do where you have set up your enclaves in many other countries. :D
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:30 pm

Which dish is lumps of fat on a stick?

I admit my fishing sucks, which is why I gave it up a long time ago. But I do hunt rather well, learned how to do it in England.

By the way, Bucksboy, Kafenes did not say leave, he said if you dont like the Cypriot way then leave. And to keep things a little balanced, if this had been France (where ehey also eat small fish and tiny birds) we would not be discussing the possibility of changing their traditions. That is simply not done!
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Re: hunters

Postby kafenes » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:30 pm

Bucksboy wrote:
kafenes wrote:Cypriots hunt, fish, bbq. drive etc. the Cypriot way. We don't need 'aliens' to try and change our way of life. If they don't like it or accept it, they can go back to where they came from (as if it's any better there).

Just to put the record straight...Cypriots can't hunt (as is clearly shown), and only catch paltry fish that in civilised countires would be thrown back into the sea, and you surely must be joking if you think they are able to drive!!!
As for bbq. you are welcome to lumps of fat on a stick.

ps. I will leave when I decide as is my right under EU law just like you Cypriots can do where you have set up your enclaves in many other countries. :D

So until you decide I guess you have to put up with the Cypriot way of life (whether you like it or not) the same way Cypriots do in other countries and stop complaining. :)
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:57 pm

I have lived in Cyprus and I now live in the rural Gers in France.

We do have our hunters of course, but the one thing you never see here is someone shoving a shotgun up a tree and firing at birds from point blank range.

Nor do we have the illegal limesticking here. Hunters are dressed in flourecent jackets and protective helmets. It is organised, the pointless
and unncessary shooting of the fruitbats just for target practice is awful.

If you are going to shoot it then you shoud be prepared to eat it.

I have also witnessed at first hand the shooting of a dog by hunters for no other reason that it did not perform well that day. The dog was not even killed outright, just wounded and left to die in agony. We reported it to the Police and all we got was a Shrug and " it is only a dog, what is your problem"

Please do not try and compare France with Cyprus. They are not the same.
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Re: hunters

Postby suzie-q » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:59 pm

I rather like it when my husband fishes and then barbeques his catch for me and our kids but it is usually me that ends up driving after he has been on the ouzo that goes so well with the fish :D
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Postby raymanuva » Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:27 pm

kafenes wrote:
raymanuva wrote:kafenes, i am an "ALIEN" but i grew up here, i respect all traditions, but hunting and driving is just retarded here dude.....

Ray, so you recon there are 60,000 retarded hunters and god knows how many hundred thousand retarded drivers? Ray, I've travelled half the world and I've seen some crazy driving. How would you like to compare drivers from Cyprus to Russian drivers?

god knows, i havent been there for 15 years... and i wasn't even a legal driving age back then... soz
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:47 am

"If you are going to shoot it then you shoud be prepared to eat it. " Said Cheshire Cat and that is my sentiment precisely. I am wary of people who say the like to hunt but never eat game. Something is missing in that equations.

But Cheshire Cat, France maybe more organized, but they do things (their tradition, I am not moaning) which we would never do, like hunt with hounds, and they do have an EU derogations allowing them to catch birds in nets. Cyprus was bullied into abolishing that activity but not France, bullying does not work with them and they do have a point.

As to comparing France and Cyprus, well I walked a lot of southern France over the years, mostly the Roussillon and Lanquedoc region and the similarities (customs and some of the food even) with Cyprus were surprising.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:55 am

A dedication to my friend Nikitas...

“And he shall judge among the hunters, and shall rebuke many poachers: and they shall beat their guns into plowshares, and their hunting dogs into pruning hooks: hunter shall not lift up gun against bird, neither shall they learn hunting any more.”

King James Bible
Isaiah 2:4
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:58 am

Get Real! wrote:A dedication to my friend Nikitas...

“And he shall judge among the hunters, and shall rebuke many poachers: and they shall beat their guns into plowshares, and their hunting dogs into pruning hooks: hunter shall not lift up gun against bird, neither shall they learn hunting any more.”

King James Bible
Isaiah 2:4

You xxxx xxxxxx, you told me you dont believe in that xxxp. :roll:
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