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Hunters At It Again!

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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:30 am

raymanuva wrote:We were in Avdimou with friends having lunch in Fish Tavern... on the way there we constantly heard gun shots in close range to us :D, but the funny thing... there were RED signs: "HUNTING IS PROHIBITED"... fucking horkado-nutjobs...

It could have been the culling taking place due to Foot and Mouth. If not, the Police need Hearing tests. :lol:
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Postby raymanuva » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:41 am

Police is too busy filling banks with euros :)
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Postby tessintrnc » Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:01 pm

They also went trigger happy with rare, protected Egyptian fruit bats. This is the only European place where they nest. The hunters shot them in their cave - how courageous - how brave - how BLOODY STUPID!!!
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:33 pm

tessintrnc wrote:They also went trigger happy with rare, protected Egyptian fruit bats. This is the only European place where they nest. The hunters shot them in their cave - how courageous - how brave - how BLOODY STUPID!!!

You have it in ONE Tess. A kind of machismo. Ah, yes, thats how I will KILL the dastardly T/TCs. I can just imagine it. :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:53 pm

How do you cook and eat a fruit bat? You can't, so why shoot it? It seems that Cypriot poachers are different from those we have here in Greece.

But on another note. This opposition to hunting can always find points to score and we have seen the scenario play out in many countries. Taking a parallel from the States, where this whole thing began, things start once city people move to the country. They object first to the obvious, like hunting, then to the not so obvious, like the use of animals for work or food, then it is normal cultivation practices like keeping forests trimmed, and gradually the ways of the city take over the countyside and diminish it.

Then the city folk complain that the countryside is getting too crowded by other city people who move there and want stricter zoning laws to retain that "green feeling". It is certain hat Cyprus is moving that way. Last time I was there it was sad to see ground that used to be country, like Yermaasoya and Lakatamia, covered by concrete buildings.

But you know what folks, if there is no incentive to keep something open and wild, ie no interests like hunting (with a whole industry behind it to provide the financial motive) then land will inevitably fall under the thumb of the developer.

If you find the above far fetched look up the site of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature who say that one way to preserve wild areas is to allow controlled hunting precisely because it provides a financial incentive to keep land open and free.

So yes, shots will disturb you during hunting season, and yes, there will be some poaching that pisses us all off. But for that to go on there must be open wild land, and that is good for all of us. Land that you all enjoy for the rest of the year when hunting season is over.
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:59 pm

"We were in Avdimou with friends having lunch in Fish Tavern... on the way there we constantly heard gun shots in close range to us "

So going to eat wild fish caught in nets and left to die of suffocation is OK, but if you shoot birds to eat that makes you a crazy peasant!!!

I just could not let that one go!
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Postby phoenix » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:04 pm

Deplorable act. :(

More people should be encouraged to pursue such cases in the Courts if stupid people are going to be made to realise the unacceptability of such cruel behaviour.

A slight aside, emanating from the article, . . . . what is the procedure for registering a pet dog in Cyprus?

I hadn't realised dogs had to be registered . . . they are not in the U.K.
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Postby Bucksboy » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:14 pm

Thanks kindly. Not into technical stuff on the pc much! :D
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Postby raymanuva » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:18 pm

Nikitas, WHAT THE FUCK!!!???
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:19 pm

Ray, you eat fish, I eat fish and birds.
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