It would be good to know if any of you would like to visit a casino... so take a minute and answer our pole.
Thank you!
Jasmine wrote:It would be good to know if any of you would like to visit a casino... so take a minute and answer our pole.
Thank you!
Jasmine wrote:It would be good to know if any of you would like to visit a casino... so take a minute and answer our pole.
Thank you!
Niki wrote:Jasmine wrote:It would be good to know if any of you would like to visit a casino... so take a minute and answer our pole.
Thank you!
Oh hello Fanos - when you say pole is this a pole dance, or the North Pole seeing as it's near Christmas? Or maybe a pole up your rear end?
orokliniservices wrote:cause he's the manager of the Jasmine Casino in the north and it just so happens his previous posts as himself are getting deleted cause he's promoting his casino on the forum.. Funny how this new guys name is Jasmine!!
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