I'm new in your forum and before beginning I wanted to tell you that I have found plenty of useful informations inside so that a very pleasant cordiality. I will move to Cyprus (french nationality) but ADSL is required for my job .
With the search button and "ADSL" as keywords, I have found four topics (carefully read with about 7 links to URL visited). Nevertheless two questions remain :
- could I find a Cyprus'map of geographical overlap for ADSL and of the localization of the DSLAM (for example for France we can compare the difference between ADSL's providers as there http://www.journaldunet.com/0412/041208adslenfrance.shtml (three red links inside the "window" at the middle of the page) or there http://www.dslvalley.com/adsl/deploiement.html (under the words "*** DEPLOIEMENT ADSL***" we can select the map for each provider : France telecom is the public one where as 9telecom, cegetel, free, ALICE are privates). This would be very helpfull because I will rent an unfurnished urban or semi-urban flat or house (globally between Agia Napa and Limassol) so I think that I couldn't check the spead of download even with a laptop, and my choice will at first depend of it.
N.B.: as you can see rural parts of France, as everywhere in Europe, are not or partially covered by ADSL ; as in England, local people organize groups of consumers in order to get it via satellite+wi-fi
- actually in France I am lucky because the modem sold by my ADSL's provider gives full 24H/24 access to audio-video via IP, VOIP, and of course standart surf and e-mail services (my download speed is 5 Mbits ; ADSL2 is available since a few weeks and would give me around 15, the max being 20Mbits) so that there is no need to pay for phone besides (the price too is very competitive : 30€/month and seems a real "gift of the sky"... but the sea is very far away!). Do you know if this kind of service is planned in Cyprus and which company(ies) could be the quickest one in providing this service so that I could be more "strategic" in my choice?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Good week-end.