denizaksulu wrote:halil wrote:Deniz,
what happened to your PM's .
while ago my pictures blocked .
My Pm to Erols still in autbox too . He didn't inform at all .
Halil, how do I know what happened to my PMs. Only admin know.But they are not talking. There argument is if you dont like it go somewhere else.
How would the forum survive without me? with my sniping.Just kidding here, but its getting ridiculous. Its not that I am incapable of sending them. I have hundreds on memory.
THEY are pissing me off.
Hello denizaksulu,
If you have any problems you should contact me and refrain from conspiracy theories.
If you have hundreds of PMs stored chances are that you have reached the 500 PMs limit for your Inbox,Sendbox or Savebox and you will need to delete some to make space for the new ones.
Please go to your Private Messages panel and make sure that non of your boxes is at 100%. The indication is show at the upper right corner of the PM panel.
Thank you