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Postby Piratis » Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:01 am

Birkibrisli, I 100% agree with you. In all my posts I accept the share of responsibility of my community in the events of the 50s and 60s. I have never denied that innocent TCs suffered and that some 100s of them were killed during the inter-communal conflict. Furthermore, I do not demand that TCs should be punished for the crimes they committed against us in the past.

What I want, just like you, is finally an end to the crimes and illegalities and to have a truly united Cyprus with equal Cypriot citizens and no racist discriminations.

On the contrary, people like Zan have remained stuck in their partition dream of the 50s. They keep talking about their own suffering in the 60s, and they refuse to admit that they have also caused to us suffering, not just in that one decade in the 60s but also before and after it. They do this because what they want is not reconciliation and peace, but they are trying to find excuses for the continuation of their crimes against us.

I just wonder if out of the 7500 posts of Zan there is even a single post where he admits the crimes and suffering they have caused to us. Somebody reading his posts would think that Cypriots had imported Turkish slaves during the slave era and were abusing them ever since until Turkey came to save them. :roll:
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Postby Sotos » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:35 am

The song of Zan translated in Greek :lol:

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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:58 am

Piratis wrote:Birkibrisli, I 100% agree with you. In all my posts I accept the share of responsibility of my community in the events of the 50s and 60s. I have never denied that innocent TCs suffered and that some 100s of them were killed during the inter-communal conflict. Furthermore, I do not demand that TCs should be punished for the crimes they committed against us in the past.

What I want, just like you, is finally an end to the crimes and illegalities and to have a truly united Cyprus with equal Cypriot citizens and no racist discriminations.

On the contrary, people like Zan have remained stuck in their partition dream of the 50s. They keep talking about their own suffering in the 60s, and they refuse to admit that they have also caused to us suffering, not just in that one decade in the 60s but also before and after it. They do this because what they want is not reconciliation and peace, but they are trying to find excuses for the continuation of their crimes against us.

I just wonder if out of the 7500 posts of Zan there is even a single post where he admits the crimes and suffering they have caused to us. Somebody reading his posts would think that Cypriots had imported Turkish slaves during the slave era and were abusing them ever since until Turkey came to save them. :roll:

I agree,Piratis,that Zan needs a reality check. He did start rather promisingly from what I remember,but his position has hardened over the years. So much so that what he now says is straight out of R.R.Denktash's propaganda handbook...

But let me criticise you a bit as well. What I want is what you want,a fully democratic Cyprus,based fully and solely on human rights and equal opportunity principles,one-vote-one value,and impartiality of the justice system. But what we want is not going to happen in a hurry,given our tragic past. By not compromising on your ideal solution,you as much as Zan,are responsible for the present situation. (When I say YOU it is plural,includes everyone who finds compromising impossible to do.) If you soften your stand and accept that a lot of groundwork must be done before the TCs will even consider a Unitary State without ethnic considerations,then you will open some ground for constructive dialog.Your 'you killed more than we did,we suffered more than you did' approach only drives the likes or Zan to Turkey's arms. They would rather become "Turkified" than risk putting their fate in the GC community's hands,especially if they believe their suffering has not been seriously acknowledged.Don't forget that in Cyprus there is a government fully made up of GC members,and some (17?) seats empty,reserved for the TC members...Where are the efforts to get these seats filled by TC members,and return to full constitutional order???Where are the efforts to foster trust and respect between the two communities? By insisting on solutions that seem "extreme" to the other side we are all contributing to the burning of our motherland...
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Postby Piratis » Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:35 am

Birkibrisli, I agree with almost everything that you said.

The problem is that I got disappointed to the point that I am almost certain that there is no chance for an agreed and real solution. The likes of Zan and VP piss me off with their greediness and arrogance and sometimes all I want is to just piss them off as well to get even :oops:

If I believed that those people are just the minority among TCs then I would just ignore them and try to have more substantial discussions with people like you. Unfortunately it is the opposite, they are the majority and you are the minority.

As I said I agree with what you said, but unfortunately there is a serious misconception in your thoughts. The misconception is that somehow the TCs in the future will magically want a unitary state, or anything else besides a disguised partition.

If they achieve some "solution" where they will have full and legal control of 30% of Cyprus, their vote will count 4.5 times more than the vote of each GC, they will be part of EU and they will not have the risk of being overrun by Turks anymore then tell me why they would ever be willing to give this up? Even if they changed from hating us to loving us they would still not do such thing.

Zan and his likes and crying about their suffering while denying ours not because they want their suffering acknowledged but because they are trying to present themselves as the innocent victims that now have to be rewarded on our loss. I have never denied the TC suffering, but the partitionists never acknowledge their at least equal share of blame.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:57 pm

Piratis wrote:Birkibrisli, I agree with almost everything that you said.

The problem is that I got disappointed to the point that I am almost certain that there is no chance for an agreed and real solution. The likes of Zan and VP piss me off with their greediness and arrogance and sometimes all I want is to just piss them off as well to get even :oops:

If I believed that those people are just the minority among TCs then I would just ignore them and try to have more substantial discussions with people like you. Unfortunately it is the opposite, they are the majority and you are the minority.

As I said I agree with what you said, but unfortunately there is a serious misconception in your thoughts. The misconception is that somehow the TCs in the future will magically want a unitary state, or anything else besides a disguised partition.

If they achieve some "solution" where they will have full and legal control of 30% of Cyprus, their vote will count 4.5 times more than the vote of each GC, they will be part of EU and they will not have the risk of being overrun by Turks anymore then tell me why they would ever be willing to give this up? Even if they changed from hating us to loving us they would still not do such thing.

Zan and his likes and crying about their suffering while denying ours not because they want their suffering acknowledged but because they are trying to present themselves as the innocent victims that now have to be rewarded on our loss. I have never denied the TC suffering, but the partitionists never acknowledge their at least equal share of blame.

What can I say,Piratis? You make perfect sense...

I never belived that a BBF can ever work. That it can satisfy the need for justice and reconciliation at the same time,for the majority of Cypriots.
I strongly believe that any solution other than reunification can never be a lasting or just solution. That is why I keep saying we ought to return to the point where we actually agreed to sign a document to give us our independence. That was by no means ideal,but it is all we have. My frustration comes from my belief that if the RoC government invites the TCs to return on the agreed terms,the ensuing political situation will be too hot for Turkey to handle...They will have to assuage the world and especially EU opinions somehow. That is the only pressure that will move Turkey enough to allow a comprenensive solution other then agreed or disguised partition...

And Zan...I think it is time you removed your blinkers and acknowledged the part TMT and our glorious leaders played in the Cyprus tragedy. Insisting that we are whiter than white will not make anyone want to talk with you seriously. As you can see... :(
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Postby Piratis » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:53 pm

What can I say,Piratis? You make perfect sense...

Thanks Bir, I almost always try to make sense, apart of course for the times when we quarrel with Zan or VP when apparently it is more about pissing each other off than anything else.

I never belived that a BBF can ever work.

It can't. Even Belgium which has a constitution much better than anything ever proposed to us, without "guarantors", foreign troops and bases, which was one of the founding members of EU and has the capital of Europe, and where the population distribution is a much more "balanced" 60%-40%, and still it is doubtful if it will exist in 5-10 years from now.

My frustration comes from my belief that if the RoC government invites the TCs to return on the agreed terms,the ensuing political situation will be too hot for Turkey to handle

Bir, I don't know what makes you think of that. What makes you think that the TCs would abandon the "trnc" to get their position back in the RoC?
There are some here that say that TCs want to be "Rulers of the north and partners in the south". As you understand it can not be both. If we had any indications that TCs would be willing to return to the 1960 agreements then the Cyprus problem would be solved yesterday, to borrow a slogan from a former president.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:43 pm

Piratis wrote:Bir, I don't know what makes you think of that. What makes you think that the TCs would abandon the "trnc" to get their position back in the RoC?
There are some here that say that TCs want to be "Rulers of the north and partners in the south". As you understand it can not be both. If we had any indications that TCs would be willing to return to the 1960 agreements then the Cyprus problem would be solved yesterday, to borrow a slogan from a former president.

It is not so much that the TCs would abandon their trnc,but Turkey will make them do it,I believe. I am sure the present Erdogan government is looking for a face-saving way to get out of Cyprus. This government is not,as you know ,a nationalist government. And they would love to score a few points against the military as well. They have no particular desire to hang onto the North. If they are presented with a good excuse they would come to the party. It is worth trying anyway. What has Papadopoulos got to lose for making the offer? Except the presidency,perhaps. :wink: :(
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Postby T_C » Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:03 am

No I don't think they do either...they are fed up with Cyprus although I very much doubt even Erdogan would up and leave Cyprus like you said. It just won't happen mate, after 40 years of money and all the lives sacrificed in 74 they will not leave without a good deal...

I sometimes think if things like the "demand" for 50.000 Turks to get TRNC citizenship etc is a cheap trick to get the GCs hot under the collar and to agree to a solution. I also think the international community is helping Turkey by using the same tricks too, which is why we have things like the treaty that UK signed with Turkey that made references to the TRNC and why we hear things like the "misquoted harmonizing talks with the EU". It's all been happening at the same time, all too often and all since we've heard about a 'new window of oppertunity in 2008'. :wink:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:45 am

T_C wrote:No I don't think they do either...they are fed up with Cyprus although I very much doubt even Erdogan would up and leave Cyprus like you said. It just won't happen mate, after 40 years of money and all the lives sacrificed in 74 they will not leave without a good deal...

I sometimes think if things like the "demand" for 50.000 Turks to get TRNC citizenship etc is a cheap trick to get the GCs hot under the collar and to agree to a solution. I also think the international community is helping Turkey by using the same tricks too, which is why we have things like the treaty that UK signed with Turkey that made references to the TRNC and why we hear things like the "misquoted harmonizing talks with the EU". It's all been happening at the same time, all too often and all since we've heard about a 'new window of oppertunity in 2008'. :wink:

Things are certainly hotting up,T_C...
But nothing but politics will be played out until after the Presidential elections in February. I am keen to see what the new Papadopoulos proposals are. But they are certainly doomed if he is serious about insisting on no Turkish soldiers or right to intervene in the future. Those are two of Turkey's red lines,and Papadopoulos knows that as well. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that America has an expansive role for Turkey to play in the region,and Cyprus issue will depend on the outcome of that. The map of the Middle East will change soon. And this will not be in the interests of Cypriots who might wish to reunite their poor,longsuffering country... :cry: :cry:
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Postby zan » Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:32 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:Birkibrisli, I 100% agree with you. In all my posts I accept the share of responsibility of my community in the events of the 50s and 60s. I have never denied that innocent TCs suffered and that some 100s of them were killed during the inter-communal conflict. Furthermore, I do not demand that TCs should be punished for the crimes they committed against us in the past.

What I want, just like you, is finally an end to the crimes and illegalities and to have a truly united Cyprus with equal Cypriot citizens and no racist discriminations.

On the contrary, people like Zan have remained stuck in their partition dream of the 50s. They keep talking about their own suffering in the 60s, and they refuse to admit that they have also caused to us suffering, not just in that one decade in the 60s but also before and after it. They do this because what they want is not reconciliation and peace, but they are trying to find excuses for the continuation of their crimes against us.

I just wonder if out of the 7500 posts of Zan there is even a single post where he admits the crimes and suffering they have caused to us. Somebody reading his posts would think that Cypriots had imported Turkish slaves during the slave era and were abusing them ever since until Turkey came to save them. :roll:

I agree,Piratis,that Zan needs a reality check. He did start rather promisingly from what I remember,but his position has hardened over the years. So much so that what he now says is straight out of R.R.Denktash's propaganda handbook...

But let me criticise you a bit as well. What I want is what you want,a fully democratic Cyprus,based fully and solely on human rights and equal opportunity principles,one-vote-one value,and impartiality of the justice system. But what we want is not going to happen in a hurry,given our tragic past. By not compromising on your ideal solution,you as much as Zan,are responsible for the present situation. (When I say YOU it is plural,includes everyone who finds compromising impossible to do.) If you soften your stand and accept that a lot of groundwork must be done before the TCs will even consider a Unitary State without ethnic considerations,then you will open some ground for constructive dialog.Your 'you killed more than we did,we suffered more than you did' approach only drives the likes or Zan to Turkey's arms. They would rather become "Turkified" than risk putting their fate in the GC community's hands,especially if they believe their suffering has not been seriously acknowledged.Don't forget that in Cyprus there is a government fully made up of GC members,and some (17?) seats empty,reserved for the TC members...Where are the efforts to get these seats filled by TC members,and return to full constitutional order???Where are the efforts to foster trust and respect between the two communities? By insisting on solutions that seem "extreme" to the other side we are all contributing to the burning of our motherland...

My my!!!! There are some arrogant sods on this forum but you take the bisquit :roll: Who the hell do you think you are and did somebody die to leave you king???I started off promisingly????When were you the one allowed to draw where the line is and the rest of us have to follow? :roll:

I have read and reread.......I have discussed and thought and though about he Cyprob and come up with a conclusion....If my findings are the same as Denktas' then that is life. The main thing is that there is to be a solution and I am fighting my corner in the face of opposition like that of Tpap. There are some here like MY TCB (True Cypriot Brother) in the shape of Bananiot that are trying to correct the wrongs that exist as in getting rid of Tpap and hoping that the new person will show the way. Apart from asking for the simple and impossible as in just turning back the clock so that you can have your nostalgic Cyprus back you have said nothing but emotional and sentimental claptrap. You want to cruelly expel people that have been living there as TCs for decades to satisfy the twisted thinking of Greek nationalists when Europe is integrating at a great pace. AND, that is your entire plan :roll: :roll: You ignore the fact that they stole the island from under our noses and that is the most significant factor of our persecution in all of this.

The reality check is for you my friend...I have seen the reality in the last two years and it is you that is living in cuckoo land. I have told you that we have the same dream but only one of us seems to have woken up to the fact hat going forward is a practical problem and that dreams should be put to one side. As for putting the blame for what is happening on my shoulders.........I have only been in the business of politics for two years.....I think the problem has been going on for a bit longer than that don't you think :roll: I have merely analysed the the situation and come up with a way to get past it. I have discovered how many people have worked on the Annan Plan and how many of them were actually Cypriot and how hard they worked and how it was sabotaged by Tpap and his ilk.......Tpap is not on his own or here simply would not be a Tpap...The system that he works in must be destroyed and that is the answer to the intransigence that you want out of the way in order for us to be able to move on and you think that that is going to come about because you talk nicely to him.......We have sat with our tails between our legs for decades and what have we achieved????????We as the people I mean......We have wanted Unity with all our hearts and we put our faith in the system and the outside forces that exist and where has hat gotten us......It is only now that the TC people have started to demand what is rightfully theirs that the GCs have sat up and said...Hold on...Denktas is not the only person to be saying these things but he entire TC nation is so maybe we need to do something about it. These people are not as stupid as we thought and we HAVE been fed lies and corruption in our schools. These are the things hat ae beginning to open their eyes to our plight and is cutting through the GC propaganda that has existed for years.

So you want us to sit about like we have done since 1963 waiting for fairness to find us....I am a little more impatient and realistic in that quest and in targeting the problems that exist on the other side maybe even help those that want a solution to get the likes of Tpap out of office and then appeal to those people instead. The world has not listened to your cause and plight for all these years and have even contributed to our misery because they did not understand what really went on because of Greek propaganda and tricks and now that they finally are because we are demanding what is ours and what they promised we are still in the wrong?????? I really don't understand the way you think and what you think constitutes a settlement. You have mentioned a few things here in your address to Piratis but how we get there seems to be a massive void in your strategy.

What you seem to be saying and is what I have been saying is that we need to talk and you find that offensive......We are at a point in time and it seems that how we got here is very important. The GC people, just like any other normal people, want reasons and hey have been fed the wrong reasons for years. What is wrong in pointing that out...It can only go to work against those that do not want a fair solution....

You seem to want to give to whims that are just not practical or humane just to score points with the GCs and placate their fears.......How about just being practical for a change and treating them like adults...The reality of the situation is going to hit them hard otherwise.....There are losses and problems that are just not solvable by trying to turn back the clock and the mass movement and expulsion of people just because they really do not belong to the "Great Cypriot Nation" is just not going to happen and if it does then I will stop being a Cypriot from that day on...If we cannot find a way of being humane to ALL on this then I will be ashamed to call myself a Cypriot and you can have it all to yourself. Bowing to sentimental pressure is your weakness and should not be allowed to spoil our islands history once more and make us look like Nazi uncaring selfish bastards that have caused the situation and hen when we have had our fill we put these people on a plane and send them back to somewhere they don't call home.

Lets start these negotiations with a touch of reality and they may not break down when it hits them in the face. Your wishes and whims are not the driving force of a people Bir and they should not be either. My hard stance in all this is because of that. I know that things and business is not done like that and those that do soon come unstuck. Practicality and reason has to win he day or the day will never come. There is a place for it in that the situation that Tpap has masterminded is not based on morality but law and that that law has been manipulated to a point that is immoral.

It is not wrong to ask for what is rightfully yours and if faced with a wall of intransigence and diabolic demands then to demand them. There is no propaganda in what I say but telling the truth about our history and then quantifying the situation and the deviousness of of the people we are trying to do business with is not counterproductive as you seem to think. It means that if they want a solution then they are dealing with equal partners and a competent people and we are not people to be walked over. The fact that I try to cut through their propaganda and explain this to them is nothing I am ashamed of. Allowing these people to attack Turkey and bypass want the TCS are saying is playing into their propaganda hands. Why should I want to help them in that way when their aims are quite clear. :roll: :roll: :roll: You seem to have some ego problems in thinking you alone know the way and that the TCs don't know what they are taking about and are not able to make their own decisions....I asked you before and I will ask you again.......At what point did you lose hope that a Turk ,as in mainland or Cypriot, can ever make the right decision again and that we have to leave that to the GCs to make for us....I understand that many people of your age did have that in the old days but we are not like that any more...Your nostalgia has to be put to one side and a more practical future has to be found mate.......Get your head out of he clouds and your ego and listen to your people. They know what they want and how they have been made to suffer all these years. They are the ones that have had heir lives put on hold and have only since the OXI on the Annan Plan started to move forward again.....I can't help it if that has spooked the GCs. They should have thought of that before the OXI and even now should look to the person hat persuaded them to say OXI in he first place and not blame the TCs. We cannot and will not sit around waiting any more.......The Embargoes have to go and the cloud over my peoples head has to be lifted.
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