Piratis wrote:Zan, you use some anonymous document to excuse the murder of 1000s of the ethnic cleansing of 100s of thousands?
The truth is that you are the ones who have killed us by the 1000s and 10s of thousands, you are the ones who started the whole conflict by invading our island in the first place, you are the ones who made plans to occupy half of our country and ethnically cleanse us from it and eventually you put those plans into action.
What you have against is just a product of your imagination and propaganda. Because some Greek Cypriot once wrote a document, not about killing anybody, but about how Cypriots would gain the self-determination that was denied to us, not only you attribute that document to our president, but you also claim that document was made to "steal your home and murder your people" while it nowhere says any such thing. All we ever wanted was our freedom from the foreign invadors of our island Zan, nothing more than that. You are the murderers and criminals who have killed and denied our rights for centuries and continue to do so today, so you can steal our homes and exploit our island.
You have our islands identity. You have changed it from being the Cyprus Republic to the "RoC". Your own Makarios said the Zurich agreement was null and void. You have tricked your way into he EU in which the constitution means nothing. The evidence is there for all to see. The very real document of he Akritas Plan shows us how you achieved this......What is there to doubt.