denizaksulu wrote:zan wrote:denizaksulu wrote:zan wrote:karma wrote:BirK, your thread has been the best one on this forum..I feel like I dont need to read anything else anymore about CyprusProb.. your ''dairy'' has been such a good guide for all of us to realize that ''there is no borders but only good or bad people'' If we can cross the borders in our minds, Istinjo may turn the same dream village of your childhood one day..
Never say Never
I cannot agree with that Karma.....Far too simplistic and we desperately need to look at the Cyprob with a clear head. There are many people that cannot cross the border even in their heads let alone bring themselves to do it physically as Bir has shown. It is no good HOPING for a good crop without planting anything......The ground has to be prepared and the right seeds found and watered and watched......Farming has no need of dreams but realities in the work that needs to be done.......
Very wise words Zan. So let us go forth and cultivate the wilderness that is the Cyprob, choose the right seeds sow and cultivate the land as you say. Its your plan, what is stopping you.
btw Happy Bayram and a Happier New year
Bayraminiz Kutlu olsun Deniz....![]()
As to your other question.........Nothing is stopping me and that is what I believe I am doing....Those that are trying to sell me bad seeds are getting an ear full...Is that alright or are we to take what ever we are given......After all....It is our own farm you know.....Knowing what ypou want is far better than buying what is sold don't you think......
I am agreeing with here. With the choosing of the right seeds. Personally I think its too late. Politicians seem to have already set their minds for separation.
Maybe we also are facing the same dilemna as Pres. Makarios with his famous/infamous words of what was desirable and what was feasible (re: Enosis).
What I am saying Deniz is that there is more than one seed out there and the instantly gratifying unification seed is not the right one for the present ground conditions and the season......What I have said all along is that the rotation of crops allows the ground to recover. (Are we getting carried away with the analogy here?)

I am glad to hear that Bir has finally come to this conclusion as much as I am saddened by it. What others need to do is listen to what the people on the ground are telling them and stop all this trying to tell them what is best for them.....There are experts that can work that out. I will not do anything that the TCs in Cyprus do not want...Without them the whole thing is pointless.......They have to live it.