Niki wrote:Natty wrote:Niki wrote:denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:denizaksulu wrote:denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:Niki wrote:A big hug and a box of chocolates for Phoenix coz I love her so much!

The hug I will accept and return warmly, because I adore you.
. . . but the box of chocolates

. . . are you trying to make me fat

if that is the case, it's only loukoumia I find irresistible and can eat by the box-full
And for you dear Niki, I will give you one of those old fashioned clocks because I know you enjoy winding-up

What does one have to do? get attention
From whom are you requesting attention

At last

You have put the smile back on my face. Who do you think? The Pope?
You ofcourse.

I also have become an attention seeker. But not from any Tom, Dick and Harry.
I have been kept busy all morning . . . as you may have noticed
But now I have to go and see my solicitor (for something good not bad

. . . so I will make it up to you later this evening

I hope you remove your sunglasses. I have a suspicious mind. And I'd love to see your lovely Cypriot eyes.
OMG that Baxters Asparagus soup is potent!

It got me hallucinating, again.
See you later Phoenix mou.
Aw that's lovely!!! Where's me hanky???

I'll embroider you one for Christmas Niki...

Thanks Natty, you're a sweetie!

You're welcome Nicky!
Right, I'd better get started if I'm going to get it to you in time...
Now, do you have an illustration preference?