DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:Jerry wrote:raymanuva wrote:Generally, i think ADMIN's work here is terrible... its the worst moderated forum.
You are right Ray but at least the forum keeps going and those that want to can let off steam. Another forum about Cyprus is slowly dying a death because, in my opinion, it is too "disciplined". Some people like to shout and scream at each other - especially Cypriots.
Miltiades, you do use "colourful" language yourself. I think the verbal attack on you is outrageous but having a tantrum and leaving the forum is a pretty childish response. Personally I can't be bothered with your adversary, he's a lightweight uneducated creep who does not deserve the publicity he craves from this site. Face up to him or ignore him but please don't run away.
jerry you were doing well with your post, then half way through you went all pear shaped on us! please note that anything bad i said to miltiades or anyone was a retaliation! if he thinks he can slag me off and get away with it he is mistaken, he started it, i finished it! he like many on here jumped into an argument that was nothing to do with him, now he is sulking cos i have told him a few home truths! yesterday i had behaved myself all day at the request of admin and he decided to start again, so tough really! to a lot of people on here he may be some kind of demi-god but to me he is lightweight, not even the beginning of a challenge which is why he is retreating! i think he must be italian! they are also good at running away! lol

Stop gloating . . . he did not go because of you . . . but because Admin. deleted his post in REPLY to you.
It's the gagging he objects to because it stopped him letting you have it back.
You are not the only one who can type abuse . .
I believe you will EVENTUALLY have something worthwhile to say and out of curiosity I await that post.
So I am not for any gagging / banning . . . and ADMIN do a great job at being discerning.
.... And I am sticking my neck out here because there are enough retarded misfits dying to jump in to abuse me . . . So do not bother please (I have heard it all before) . . . we have to unite to get Miltiades back and keep the forum as interesting as it can be . . . more colourful characters and less of life's silencers.