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Let's talk about self-imposed isolation

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:06 pm

zan wrote:If you choose to ignore the facts of the matter then you will come to these childish conclusions. The whole thing boils down to the fact that the TRNC is not allowed to issue it's own certificates and the refusal to allow them to do so is the back door approach by Tpap for taking what little power the TCs have in Cyprus away. The Embargoes are then imposed through this and you have the audacity to say that we do it to ourselves. There is a war of politics going on out there and for Boomers who has taken on the law and lost, it is funny how he forgets this. One minute you are screaming about the Cyprob and the next you want trade to go on as if there is no problem. Give us back our rights under the Zurich agreement and stop the siege. Then you can talk about what is wrong and what is right. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Bloody hell zan you are losing the bloody plot...whats the matter got shock today at work? :lol:

I think the author of the article is in a beter position to judge... :wink:
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Postby halil » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:04 pm

Very simple question :

Why ROC custom officers does not let GC's to buy Cigarettes from north ?
or Fish or most of the products that u can buy from TC's shops ?

İf u don't belive it .Try it and we can see it.

İ am not supporting to ban the people for treading from each other BUT our GC's friends have to ask this basic question for themselves. Why they don't do shoping from North ?
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:23 pm

The bloody GC's were sabotaging our goods/trade way before 74, i remember my grandpa tell me how they used to make trucks full of citrus of ours go bad or even disappear (in fact during the "hot" years one truck itself disappeared along with the driver who was never seen or heard of ever again and we have been taking care of is family since), and lets not forget that recent incident of potatoes or tomatoes was it i cant remember, all got sunk to the depths of the sea simply because it was TC, this is nothing new, the isolations are just serving as an extension of what was already an established GC mentality that simply serves to make this a GC island one way or another, its absolutely disgusting and very sneaky...
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Postby tessintrnc » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:02 pm

Apparantly the chocolate was taken from the child because it had MILK in it, and there is a ban on dairy products!!!
And in AFRICA newspaper it states that a TC woman has been arrested at the border for bringing in a potted plant. (she was arrested for arguing with officials who wanted to confiscate it). Apart from cigarettes is there anything here that GC's can get cheaper?
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:34 pm

VP asks: "arent there limits for stuff you can take from one EU country to another? "

NO there are not!! That is the whole point of the European Union and its principle of FREE TRADE. I import things from Italy and the truck is not stopped or checked at the Patras port in Greece precisely because the goods are moving in EUROPE!! It is like moving things between states in the USA!!!

What Talat is doing is trying to kill two birds with one stone- frist to underline the status of TRNC as a state and second to make some extra money for his regime from the taxes, both on the goods taxed and on the taxes on goods sold in the TRNC. The rest about isolation and embargoes is ALL BULLSHIT.

TCs are free to take their goods for export to the EU to Larnaca or Limassol ports with a minimum of bureuacracy. This has been stopped by the TRNC authorities. The article mentions 3800 TONS of potatoes that were stopped from being exported through Larnaca. Talat wants the export to go through Famagusta.

Well let me tell you a little secret. Even if Famgusta is opened tomorrow, TC goods will still have to go through Larnaca or Limassol for export because Limassol is the only container able port on the island. The Famagusta thing is a pure propaganda ploy. Famagusta does not have container handling facilities. Neither does it have the bulk cargo ability of Larnaca.

Part of this campaign to stop the TCs from shopping in the south is all this bullshit about attacks in the car park of IKEA. Taxing is not working and they are trying the usual underhanded tactics of lies and slander.

Cheap tricks. One whole lifetime of cheap tricks. It really is getting tiresome. And to top it all you have Talat proclaiming that he is the "true European"! This is where the EU should force him to prove it.
Last edited by Nikitas on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:39 pm

The other thing I note is this insistence of the TCs being a "special case" therefore they should be exempt from the rules that apply to others. Examples are given in the posts above, like the purchase of fresh produce etc which are regulated not by the RoC but by the EU.

You dont like the rules imposed by the EU? There is a simple solution, decide to apply the EU regulations and controls on your production so that your health and veterinary scertificates become acceptable. But NO, the TRNC is not going to do that because it is a "special case" deserving special treatment. Well this kind of bullshit doesn ot pass in the EU. The field is level and the rules known in advance. If you want to enter and compete you are free to do so by the rules that apply to ALL.

Grow up for heavens sake!
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Postby halil » Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:19 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Apparantly the chocolate was taken from the child because it had MILK in it, and there is a ban on dairy products!!!
And in AFRICA newspaper it states that a TC woman has been arrested at the border for bringing in a potted plant. (she was arrested for arguing with officials who wanted to confiscate it). Apart from cigarettes is there anything here that GC's can get cheaper?

Prime Minister Ferdi Sabit Soyer has said that his government was determined to implement the measures taken at border crossings between the two sides.

Speaking on a program on BRT, the Prime Minister also reminded that meat, meat products, milk and dairy products, including chocolates, could not be brought from the South to the North as part of the precautionary measures taken against the foot-and-mouth disease, which was seen again in South Cyprus.

Mr Soyer called on the people to show the necessary sensitivity to the issue.
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Postby RAFAELLA » Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:20 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Apparantly the chocolate was taken from the child because it had MILK in it, and there is a ban on dairy products!!!

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Postby CopperLine » Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:51 pm

This is how I see it :

1. Some customs' officers are plain daft. Some customs' officers are 'jobsworths'. Some customs' officers are over-zelaous. Some customs' officers relish their little bit of power. Examples of these customs' officers you can find all over the world, on the Green Line included.

2. Business associations in the north have got some political clout as Tessintrnc said, and any competition/hardship that they may suffer they can pass on to citizens and consumers through new state regulations (so much for business claiming to be champions of private enterprise!)

3. Public finance, including taxation and duty regime, in the TRNC is dreadful. Policy is contradictory, inconsistent, appalingly implemented and capricious and subject to clear special interest lobbies. Why, you might ask does a chocolate bar attract an absolute penalty from the public purse (removal from a border-crossing child by a public employee offcial) when brothel owners are rewarded from the public purse (sex tourism promoted, sex workers encouraged and brotherl owners protected).

4. The economic isolation anbd subsequent dependency on Turkish economic and fiscal policy compound the difficulties faced by ordinary citizens wishing to cross with a chocolate bar, an IKEA plantpot or a half kilo of helim.
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Postby phoenix » Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:59 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Apparantly the chocolate was taken from the child because it had MILK in it, and there is a ban on dairy products!!!


TCs / Turks are more likely to be lactose intolerant than Europeans, so they have to watch their dairy intake :lol:
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