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What is happening in Sudan?

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What is happening in Sudan?

Postby webbo » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:18 pm

:? Guys, I am confused as to the situation with the school teacher (Gillian Gibbons) and the kids she teaches in the Sudan :?: As far as I am aware in their studies they had a bear which the children were given the chance to name. This they did and came up with the name Mohammed.

I do not know Muslim religion, but I believe :arrow: from news reports that in by doing so she has committed an offence by taking the name Mohammed in vein. How :?: :oops:

She has also been charged though as to exactly what I am not sure :?:

Can someone please explain the offence and what may happen to her. Judging by all the stories it was an innocent mistake - a child actually did the naming as he/she knows a lot of Mohammeds :!: Am I committing any offence here, I do hope not

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Postby phoenix » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:35 pm

As the teacher she was responsible.

She has been charged with "Insulting Islam" and is due 40 lashings or 18 months in prison.

I think the PM should intervene . . . this is unacceptable behaviour by a country that trades with the world when it suits them . . . including importing teachers to educate its populace.

The hypocrisy of religions :roll:
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Postby webbo » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:50 pm

Cheers Phoenix. The fact that she has been charged is a crime in itself :arrow: even some Sudanese are saying so :!:

Agreed that PM should intervene, it was an innocent mistake :!: Bet there would be a public outcry if it the shoe was on the other foot back in the UK.. They would be bending over backward to free the person concerned :!: :twisted: :!: :!: Maybe I am just too cynical :evil: :twisted: :evil:

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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:54 pm

I’ve been thinking about this…

These people really are taking the piss aren’t they? Forty lashes is the punishment for this ridiculous farcical ‘crime’ – it is purely an opportunity to humiliate westerners and our ‘infidel’ culture…

Or perhaps it is the concept of education per se that they find so repulsive – teaching young children to read, write and think for themselves? After all they might question the culture that thinks forty lashes for naming a teddy bear, or punishing a woman that has been raped is a bit bizarre?

I think the government should take a hard line with these people – you don’t respect our western culture and values? Fine then we’ll take our aid packages back, remove the infidels that are helping your country and leave you to return to the dark ages…

In fact, if you don’t release the teacher now we can return you to the dark ages lickety split courtesy of the UK's infidel nuclear arsenal…

Of course nothing will happen, diplomatic approaches will be made, the UK will be humiliated and will continue to donate billions of taxpayer’s money to people that loathe us…
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Postby phoenix » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:02 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:I’ve been thinking about this

These people really are taking the piss aren’t they? Forty lashes is the punishment for this ridiculous farcical ‘crime’ – it is purely an opportunity to humiliate westerners and our ‘infidel’ culture…

Or perhaps it is the concept of education per se that they find so repulsive – teaching young children to read, write and think for themselves? After all they might question the culture that thinks forty lashes for naming a teddy bear, or punishing a woman that has been raped is a bit bizarre?

I think the government should take a hard line with these people – you don’t respect our western culture and values? Fine then we’ll take our aid packages back, remove the infidels that are helping your country and leave you to return to the dark ages…

In fact, if you don’t release the teacher now we can return you to the dark ages lickety split courtesy of the UK's infidel nuclear arsenal…
Of course nothing will happen, diplomatic approaches will be made, the UK will be humiliated and will continue to donate billions of taxpayer’s money to people that loathe us…

Please keep thinking Cyprus grump. :D

I don't think the innocent citizens of Sudan should be punished. After all the are probably as much victims of this religion as the teacher.

Also, don't you consider it equally extreme to threaten use of nuclear weapons in retaliation for the (ludicrous) 40 lashings?

. . . . would we really be any better? :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:04 pm

Send in the Gun Boats !!!
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Postby T_C » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:07 pm

miltiades wrote:Send in the Gun Boats !!!


No need to! Knowing the US, they'll probably invade Sudan to save the teacher! :wink: :lol:
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Postby Southerner » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:24 pm

And we have people coming on this forum bragging about Islam!
I see nothing to boast about, If I were a muslim I would be ashamed/embaressed.
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Postby T_C » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:37 pm

You should be ashamed about not being able to spell 'embarrassed'! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Southerner » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:42 pm

T_C wrote:You should be ashamed about not being able to spell 'embarrassed'! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Even if I could spell embarused I'd still be ashamed of this stupidity and gross infrijmunt of humane rites.
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