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Village Remedies

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Re: Village Remedies

Postby zan » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:09 am

Johnson&Johnson wrote:am writing a paper on rural life in cyprus during the first half of the 20th century

does anyone know of any folk medicine which was used here back in the old days ?

i remember my mum putting olive oil in my ear for earache when i was a kid, and of course zivania rubs are always good for muscular aches and pains

anyone know any more ?

many thanks,

Now how many of you remember the phrase "Gobeyim dusdu" (Sorry GCs)

I have no idea what actually happens here but I have had it and the cure.

Let me explain. This is going to sound weird to those who have not experienced it but I am hoping that I am not the only person on the forum that has.

Strong crippling stomach cramps that was associated with lifting something heavy usually on an empty stomach. Diarrhea often accompanied it.

(My mum was an expert at this. Friends and relatives would come to her for the cure whether they first believed it or not.)

She would wake me up early in the morning so that my stomach was empty and make me lie on the floor. She would take a silk like scarf and place it on my stomach. She would then take her index finger and push it with the thin layer of silk into my belly button and then start to walk around me so that the skin around the stomach would tighten on her finger. She would then let the skin slowly loosen it self from her finger and she would repeat this again. After about three or four times she would take her finger out and make me sit up quickly and she would shove a piece of bread in my mouth and help me up off the floor. Repeat if required but usually it was not.

I think you all know that I am not into hokus pokus by now but I am still amazed by this treatment. I can remember my brother inlaw who is 6ft 3inches tall resisting the idea for a week and he suffered bad with the cramps. He finally gave in and had my mum perform her magic and he was better by the end of the day. As I said I saw many people come to the house doubled up and leave feeling better. Weird but got me back to school after 2 weeks of pain and no food because every-time I ate something I would cramp up. First the doctors said it was food poisoning and then a strained muscle. Still don't know what went on.

There is something that grows on the mountains of Cyprus that my uncle used to go and collect the seeds of that got rid of warts. My mum sprinkled them on some food she cooked for me and the wart was gone in a week. Next time I am in Cyprus I will ask my uncle to take me to look for the plant but he did say that it is very rare now.
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