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Postby Kikapu » Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:56 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
You are talking invidualr rights what about community rights.

Miss Piggy,

Listen dummy, there is no such thing as a "community rights" in any country that gives you equal footing in power sharing, not unless you want to classify yourself as a Minority, much like the Gay community, Black Community, Hispanic Community, Turkish Community and so on to be able to claim extra protection from the Government for your community. The extra protection still does not give you any special treatment in running the government. As a minority, certain percentage of jobs will go to that group whether that person is suited for that job or not. In another words, you will never be respected in a work place by your colleagues, because they will know that your job was "gifted" to you and that you did not earned it. As a equal citizen, with your individual rights in place and equal to each citizen, you can at least be proud to have gotten the job on merits, and not because you are a TC.

Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it, and then you will be kicking yourself in disgust.

Msss Shithead, aka Kikapolousis,

As usual you are talking a load of crap, the "RoC" constitution provides for community rights why do the GCs today cling onto it dearly?, why do they beg us to go back to it? even in Switzerland there are rights for specific communities under a confederation structure you brainless twit.

The problem is not allocating a % of TCs or GCs to Government jobs but putting in place a balanced and unbiased board that will choose the best candidates for government, even under a 70% 30% split we have plenty of qualified individuals to fill in such posts who could perform the job just as well as any GC, how would you know you have never been to the TRNC and spoken with a cross section of people, you show your lack of understanding and grasp of reality in every post, continuing to to show everyone that you are a moron.

If you continue with your insults I will do the same, the choice is yours.

Then go ahead Miss Piggy, go ahead and claim your place under the 1960 Constitution, which I have told you to do several times, but you why is that, that you do not and claim your "community rights".
Ah yes, I know, because Piratis will go and change it because it does not sit well with the EU rules. Perhaps it is because it is undemocratic and to have such a policy.

Don't mix Confederation in Switzerland with Cyprus. All these Cantons brought their own people and land to the Union. You have nothing to bring to any Union in Cyprus, other than the shirt on your back. Be grateful to get a True Federation, where 100% Cyprus will belong to you and everyone else also...equally.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:00 pm

shahmaran wrote:LOL! :lol:

Kikapu you are the one and only person here who i respect as much as i oppose, and i do remember everything about you, i was asking TC because i thought he was older as well, and im very glad that your health is fine and rocking, where would this world be without any healthy opposition ;)

Never the less, with a little knowledge of history we can easly see what happens when small people join bigger, richer and stronger people, they just get diluted and absorbed, its only natural, usually they do it by force but you arse asking us to literally submit with our own will, and im not really up for it to be honest...

Felings are mutual Shah,

While you were away for a while, I wrote this proposal for us Cypriots on how we can start building a life together in sharing Cyprus and yet not be a separate "states". Let me know if this answers some of your questions in your last paragraph.
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Postby humanist » Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:56 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:

You are talking invidualr rights what about community rights.

Miss Piggy,

Listen dummy, there is no such thing as a "community rights" in any country that gives you equal footing in power sharing, not unless you want to classify yourself as a Minority, much like the Gay community, Black Community, Hispanic Community, Turkish Community and so on to be able to claim extra protection from the Government for your community. The extra protection still does not give you any special treatment in running the government. As a minority, certain percentage of jobs will go to that group whether that person is suited for that job or not. In another words, you will never be respected in a work place by your colleagues, because they will know that your job was "gifted" to you and that you did not earned it. As a equal citizen, with your individual rights in place and equal to each citizen, you can at least be proud to have gotten the job on merits, and not because you are a TC.

Be careful what you ask for, because you might just get it, and then you will be kicking yourself in disgust.

Msss Shithead, aka Kikapolousis,

As usual you are talking a load of crap, the "RoC" constitution provides for community rights why do the GCs today cling onto it dearly?, why do they beg us to go back to it? even in Switzerland there are rights for specific communities under a confederation structure you brainless twit.

The problem is not allocating a % of TCs or GCs to Government jobs but putting in place a balanced and unbiased board that will choose the best candidates for government, even under a 70% 30% split we have plenty of qualified individuals to fill in such posts who could perform the job just as well as any GC, how would you know you have never been to the TRNC and spoken with a cross section of people, you show your lack of understanding and grasp of reality in every post, continuing to to show everyone that you are a moron.

If you continue with your insults I will do the same, the choice is yours.

Then go ahead Miss Piggy, go ahead and claim your place under the 1960 Constitution, which I have told you to do several times, but you why is that, that you do not and claim your "community rights".
Ah yes, I know, because Piratis will go and change it because it does not sit well with the EU rules. Perhaps it is because it is undemocratic and to have such a policy.

Don't mix Confederation in Switzerland with Cyprus. All these Cantons brought their own people and land to the Union. You have nothing to bring to any Union in Cyprus, other than the shirt on your back. Be grateful to get a True Federation, where 100% Cyprus will belong to you and everyone else also...equally.

VP that first line was in response to my post. I left it because I could not figure a good response. However I think Kikapu has given you a very clear responsewhich I believe that many well versed individuals will support.

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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:56 pm

Humanist have you not noticed that Msss Shithead has claimed there is no such a thing as community rights...

Listen dummy, there is no such thing as a "community rights" in any country

Then turns around and says claim your rights under the "RoC" consitution..

go ahead and claim your place under the 1960 Constitution, which I have told you to do several times, but you why is that, that you do not and claim your "community rights".

His arguments are inconsistent, changing to suit his cause, he bends and twists like the wind to accomadate the GCs perspective and tries to ridicule and belittle TCs (his last twisted comment being we have nothing to bring to a united Cyprus but the shirt on our backs), the people he claims to have come from, which I still doubt very much.

He only impresses GCs like yourself because he says what you want to hear as his views are influenced by yours and other GCs.

Look at this argument..

You have nothing to bring to any Union in Cyprus, other than the shirt on your back.

We have nothing? not even 18%, no TC would claim this and proves his inconsistcy and crediblity which reading the above is sank to an all time low.

These type of people are a danger to everyone on the island as they will plunge us into a union where there are no safeguards to ensure there is a balance and system where the GCs cannot brush the TCs aside when they have what they want.
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Postby growuptcs » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:16 pm

viewpoint, i feel bad for you because of your one sided beliefs that your brainwashed with. The question is, is if the whole world will NEVER recognize you LEGALLY, why do you still insist on being recognized and doing business with the human race? Spewing out ultimatums to the rightful owners to your stolen state doesn't make anyone flinch, so who are you trying to convince with all your illogical posts? Your only a pawn with no sense whatsoever except to recite like a parrot looking for a treat.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:25 pm

growuptcs wrote:viewpoint, i feel bad for you because of your one sided beliefs that your brainwashed with. The question is, is if the whole world will NEVER recognize you LEGALLY, why do you still insist on being recognized and doing business with the human race? Spewing out ultimatums to the rightful owners to your stolen state doesn't make anyone flinch, so who are you trying to convince with all your illogical posts? Your only a pawn with no sense whatsoever except to recite like a parrot looking for a treat.

What are you going on about? you are talking rubbish..we trade with the world even today, refugees will have to make do with financial compensation and as for recognition we are willing to argue our point and wait for the world to recognize us as theit are no alternatives other than falling into a GC trap where we will be reduced to a minority with no community rights to stop GCs calling all the shots.
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Postby growuptcs » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:43 pm

What do you mean the refugees will have to make do with financial compensation? Pushing that aside suits you best huh. Wheres the money for that first of all that your so easy to push that aside. Obviously not from your pocket so I see know why you have no problem dealing with the next issue which is recognition. So your saying that your willing to argue your point about that as well, right? OK, with who, the wizard of OZ? Because the rest of the world doesn't want to hear that your trying to legalize a stolen state like "TRNC". You been trying since 1974 and it never worked, what makes you think it will work now? Because VP said so? You sound like a little kid with high hopes and no money, and you think you can run a state? And you say that we have to step off our high horse. Sorry, but its hard to follow your one sided logic. Thats why I haven't been on the boards that much because there is no logic in trying to talk to believers that think "TRNC" is Turkey's.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:57 pm

growuptcs wrote:What do you mean the refugees will have to make do with financial compensation? Pushing that aside suits you best huh. Wheres the money for that first of all that your so easy to push that aside. Obviously not from your pocket so I see know why you have no problem dealing with the next issue which is recognition. So your saying that your willing to argue your point about that as well, right? OK, with who, the wizard of OZ? Because the rest of the world doesn't want to hear that your trying to legalize a stolen state like "TRNC". You been trying since 1974 and it never worked, what makes you think it will work now? Because VP said so? You sound like a little kid with high hopes and no money, and you think you can run a state? And you say that we have to step off our high horse. Sorry, but its hard to follow your one sided logic. Thats why I haven't been on the boards that much because there is no logic in trying to talk to believers that think "TRNC" is Turkey's.

You are twisting what Im saying to suit your own logic, recognition will not come next week, it could take 20 30 100 years but with the current GC perspective it will come for sure. The last 44 years are proof that we cannot agree union as we want different things, so the only alternative is to agree division.

The majority of Refugees can only realistically expect compensation as their land has been used and the rest will not want to reside in a TC state, only a few will return and they should be given back their property if its possible.
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Postby growuptcs » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:15 am

Your well fed brain tells you recognition will come for sure. Watch what happens when Turkey's last chapter to get into the EU is to let go of Cyprus. What do you think she'll do, wait till you get recognition? Thats the dream world that your in right now till her judgement day finally comes. I guess just wait till that day comes till you see how you will get sold out. Just keep believing what you want for now, but just dont be sure that all your "TRNC" dreams will get fullfilled instead of talking like they will. Your talking to a realist VP, and dont tell me that you are too because your realism goes as far as Turkey tells you.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:31 am

growuptcs wrote:Your well fed brain tells you recognition will come for sure. Watch what happens when Turkey's last chapter to get into the EU is to let go of Cyprus. What do you think she'll do, wait till you get recognition? Thats the dream world that your in right now till her judgement day finally comes. I guess just wait till that day comes till you see how you will get sold out. Just keep believing what you want for now, but just dont be sure that all your "TRNC" dreams will get fullfilled instead of talking like they will. Your talking to a realist VP, and dont tell me that you are too because your realism goes as far as Turkey tells you.

You say you are a realist and claim Turkey will get in the EU by selling us out...then Im afraid you know nothing.
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