zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:zan wrote:Utan be uzunden.....Shut up now!

You forgot the letter "y" as is yuzunden.
You criticize his film being very simplistic at the same time you want to make believe that's what I said, which I did not,, then you get pissed at me for showing you up.
Who needs to grow up Zan.???
I am getting too complacent on the speed that I type

How many people did you have to ask for that translation

Lucky the film had sub-titles cause you wouldn't have been able tom answer for a month.....
Go back and read the thread and thee answers from the producers in which they say the story was simplistic and the reasons I gave for saying that. You are jumping in with both feet and showing yourself up.........

I don't need to ask anyone for translation. No Turkish speakers around me anyway. My Turkish is not great and I have not corrected you on previous mistakes that you have made. Often, you are writing Turkish the way you speak it, which is wrong, but understandable. I was not being Lena, as your teacher that is. Like I said, my Turkish is not that great either. I can read and speak much much better than writing it.
You said his film was very simplistic before he said anything. He had to justify to you, as to why his film was simplistic, because of having very little money. But that is not the point. The point is, I was only pointing out the messages sent by the film which was not intended by the director, which I believe he too knows that he was not able to get his message across.