GorillaGal wrote:the official announcment: i will be in CY from Dec. 18 (arrival in the evening) until Dec. 26. I am staying in Larnaca. as many of you know, i am coming (mostly) to visit my GC friend, and he has first dibs on me. however, he turns into a pumpkin at 7pm, and i am sure there will be some days i can't see him anyway. i would love to meet any of you during my visit. i am collecting contact info and trying to make plans.
please PM me if you would like to get together for a drink or a meal..... for the most part, i will be on my own, and would welcome the company.
also, if anyone can help, since i have a background in pets, i thought i would volunteer some of my services in pet shelters. i know Larnarca has one (argos?) and have tried contacting them, but they have not returned my corrospondance. i am coming with a suitcase full of pet toys and treats. i hope i can also get to JuneMichael's place, but that is closer to Limosal i think, and i am not sure how i will get there and back. i am a little hesitant with driving someplace i have never been....on the side of the road i am uncomfortable with.any suggestions? i MAY have Christmas day totally available to volunteer with the pets.