by Crivens » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:47 pm
It seems to me that people in Limassol like to park *right* outside where they are going. If a legal space is a couple of metres away, or on the side road right next to where you are going, then that is no good. I mean who walks (well, not on these pavements anyways...)???? Gotta love the attitude. Especially when you see 4 or 5 cars all over the pavement (like 2 metres in, and just by the door) outside a Sigma and at least that number of free spaces on the road. Most amusing.
Don't the police directly get the money or something? Honestly on my street alone the police would make a fortune for crapply parked cars and morons driving at 10 times the speed limit in their shopping trolleys. Well they would if they actually gave a monkeys.