Agios Amvrosios wrote:it is said that 2000 GCs ...made applications for compensation
please let me have the link for this info. I've never heard anthing like this before. I read about one single bloke who applied but then withdrew his application when he understood what was involved.
It's an old news from mid-2003. The properties exchange, compensation and return of refugees issue need a new mutual agreement if both sides are satisfied with the relevant provisions of Annan Plan.
After the establishment of a bi-communal property commission and a bi-communal proprties court;
1st step: The TCs who want to exchange the properties they have the title deeds in South with equal value of GC property in North should submit their application to this comission first. Let's say %90 of TCs wanted to exchange their properties. All of the title deeds of these properties and the title deeds of TC state land existed in South should be trasnsfered to the name of GC administration.
2nd step: The GCs who want to exchange the properties they have the title deeds in South with equal value of TC property in South should submit their application to this comission. Let's say %50 of GCs wanted to exchange their properties. All of the title deeds of these properties and the title deeds of the exchanged GC state land existed in North should be trasnsfered to the name of TC administration.
3rd step determining the number of GC refugees who should be allowed to return to TCCS either by full restitution of their properties or giving them equal amount of alternative land and properties in same village/town or anywhere they wish in TCCS. The number of GC refugees in this category should not be exceed %33 of number of TC citizens of North.
4th step determining the number of TC refugees who should be allowed to return to GCCS either by full restitution of their properties or giving them equal amount of alternative land and properties in same village/town or anywhere they wish in GCCS. The number of TC refugees in this category should not be exceed %33 of number of TC citizens of North.
During the process of exchange of properties, return of refugees, the ones who haven't satisfied with what the commission offered to them; should be allowed to apply to the bi-communal property court. If he/she hasn't been satisfied with the judgement of the bi-communal court; he/she should be allowed to apply ECHR.
I think the substantial part of the properties issue would have been resolved in the first two years after the applications submited to commission.