turkcyp wrote:
Actions speak louder than words.
It is not important what you call yourself. You can call yourself not Cypriot but TC for that matter, it does not matter to me. As long as a TC/GC differentiates between another TC and GC then you can not talk about the same nation.
For example look at the marriage rates between TCs and GCs. Look at the commercial transactions between GCs and TCs. (and use the data before 1963 before we start killing each other). You will immediately see that a GC does not view a TC as another GC and a TC does not view a GC as another TC.
As long as this attitude exists, there is no point of arguing that there is one Cypriot people. You can claim that there is only one Cypriot people in terms of citizenship, but not in terms of ethnicity and in terms of peoples attitudes.
you dont have to interbreed with someone to think of them as your co-citizens (although that would help). replace black and white with GCs and TCs in your above argument for the US.
The answer comes out to be that a black american doesnt view a white american as white but he still views him as american.