now i begin to see your political view, the 1 that says we didnt need anyone! the 1 that says by being alone no-one would ever trouble us! so then its funny how we had 3 guarantours, namely greece, england, turkey, and we managed to get invaded by 1 of them whilst the other 1 helped them! mmmm, you slag off my political views which is fair enough and your right, but where you fall down is that what you wanted back then was never gonna happen, do you also believe in father xmas? do the hobgoblins and pixies tell you what to do? i think you are smacked up to your tits to be honest! oh and as for the french fries? i leave them to you who serves them up in your job at mcdonalds! an ideal job for you who loves everything american, and you can do it on day release from the asylum your signed into!

Let me be clear about this. I don't necessarily think you're wrong politically. My point is that you're accusing other people of doing the same thing you're doing. If you accuse other people of being traitors, you can expect them to react, and you had better be clean.
Regarding the Cyprob, you're right - Cyprus got screwed. This was not something I desired to either happen or continue. I was 17 months old at the time. The only thing I wanted was a toy car. Snapping back to the present day, I could very well be doing activities and/or otherwise supporting our cause that I just don't talk about here.
Lastly, now that you've brought up the american thing, what makes you so much better, WRT the Cyprob, living in England? Again, see my first point in this post. Smacked up to my moobies?

so now weve gone from me being wrong to you saying maybe i`m not wrong and that maybe you agree with me sort of! make your mind up man! i never said that it wouldnt be the ideal scenario for cyprus to be independent, but it wasnt never gonna happen history has shown us that. also i never said we should of sold our country to the russians, but a military base in exchange for removal of english and security against turkey and everyone else would have been the lesser of 2 evils. to me that seems so obvious i cant see the argument tbh! i live in england cos i was brought here after the invasion when my father and brother were murdered, so dont you dare tell me i`m the same as you! i never chose to leave cyprus!
DS, I'm sorry your father and brother were murdered. My family has drawn its losses from 1974 too. The fact that you may not have had much choice where you ended up is the exact reason I didn't bring it up in the first place. I understand this well. It would be grossly unfair and unreasonable to expect you to leave your life for the sake of an argument.
You, however, did not afford me the same dignity and slagged me off for living stateside. So my question to you, as to why you're any better,
which, again, was in response to your insult, is absolutely valid. I didn't say I'm better than you or even the same as you. I only asked what makes
you any better. If you're not comfortable being challenged when you try and insult someone, it might me a good idea to avoid insulting them.
I don't want to remove the human element from this. Again, I'm really sorry for your loss. But that doesn't give you the right to direct hostility at me or anyone else here. The Turks must be laughing their asses off at us. Can we bury the hatchet and discuss any left-over political stuff in another thread?
<quick edit - sorry, I fat-fingered "from">