fanourıo wrote:I just love the way this turns onto me again although it was just a nive thread toward GG no matter what. Lena who are you to judge if what I do is bad? I dont care about your opinion but dont you find it a bit funny to judge me in a thread that concerns somebody else? Just grab the chance....anytime anywhere to grudge on someone who has NOT hurt you and on the contrary has carried you in his own car from city to city in at his own expence... Pity and you are so young and beautiful....
fanourıo wrote:Skaliotis must be renamed to Skatiotis.... such a mouthful only comes from uneducated street scam such as Scamiotis maybe?
DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:she doesnt have a heart! secondly she cant say nothing cos she knows she has been found out! pure and simple, her days of winding up good greekcypriot boy and girls ends here and now! i will stalk her on every post she makes and make her cyber-life a misery until starts talking sense or at least learns when to shut up! she was spoken to with respect and had it all explained to her many times before my outburst! and she knows it! on the other hand if she is too stupid to know what she is saying then thats her problem not mine! na ba na gamithi o boutanos !LENA wrote:Niki wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:why dont you all take your tongue out of gg`s arse? thats dirty dogs do that! i will take it from now on that you lot that have posted in support of her on here are traitors and not friends of cyprus and of freedom- so fuck you all to hell with your bitch mothers! i shit on the tombs of your grandparents- BROTHOTES- the sad thing is that you betray the memory of those who died in cyprus during the troubles, i hope you all sleep well tonight!Niki wrote:fanour?o wrote:yeap! GG is the bestest!
I'm pleased you say that Fanos. She has been incredibly loyal to you no matter what. I don't think I would have been so patient. She's a great lady.
No really why don't you say what you think? Don't hold back!My mother is really quite a nice lady by the way!
I'm guessing GG has upset a few people?
Lol Niki...loved that are actually so right in your post above to Fanos.
No matter what this is a forum and we all post what we believe and what we support. GG wanted to support somebody even if she knows that he is doing something bad...I couldnt do that either. Need a big heart for that! And also I am quit surprise that she stayed calm and did not swear back no matter what Dinos, Miltiades, boomerang and few more said against her!
DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:if you or anyone doesnt like my straight talking views then fair enough, dont talk to me,
if you speak with respect you get respect back, but if you speak like a c**t, then you will be c**ted off!
LENA wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:she doesnt have a heart! secondly she cant say nothing cos she knows she has been found out! pure and simple, her days of winding up good greekcypriot boy and girls ends here and now! i will stalk her on every post she makes and make her cyber-life a misery until starts talking sense or at least learns when to shut up! she was spoken to with respect and had it all explained to her many times before my outburst! and she knows it! on the other hand if she is too stupid to know what she is saying then thats her problem not mine! na ba na gamithi o boutanos !LENA wrote:Niki wrote:DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:why dont you all take your tongue out of gg`s arse? thats dirty dogs do that! i will take it from now on that you lot that have posted in support of her on here are traitors and not friends of cyprus and of freedom- so fuck you all to hell with your bitch mothers! i shit on the tombs of your grandparents- BROTHOTES- the sad thing is that you betray the memory of those who died in cyprus during the troubles, i hope you all sleep well tonight!Niki wrote:fanour?o wrote:yeap! GG is the bestest!
I'm pleased you say that Fanos. She has been incredibly loyal to you no matter what. I don't think I would have been so patient. She's a great lady.
No really why don't you say what you think? Don't hold back!My mother is really quite a nice lady by the way!
I'm guessing GG has upset a few people?
Lol Niki...loved that are actually so right in your post above to Fanos.
No matter what this is a forum and we all post what we believe and what we support. GG wanted to support somebody even if she knows that he is doing something bad...I couldnt do that either. Need a big heart for that! And also I am quit surprise that she stayed calm and did not swear back no matter what Dinos, Miltiades, boomerang and few more said against her!
By the way Humans do have a helps them to be alive!
I hope she will follow your advice so do i!DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:if you or anyone doesnt like my straight talking views then fair enough, dont talk to me,
if you speak with respect you get respect back, but if you speak like a c**t, then you will be c**ted off!
By the way you have to learn that whoever dont agree with you it doesnt mean that you have to swear at them....we are humans with out opinions brain etc...not sheep that follow Mr Dinos Skaliotis ok?
I dont want everyone to agree with me, who told you that? but when someone has the same thing explained to them again and again by 3 or 4 different people then that makes be wanna slag them off, and i have every right to feel that way, cos i lost family members in a war that she knows nothing about, so she should respect that or at least keep her mouth shut! now if you really cant understand what i am saying (without swearing by the way) then i would prefer you not to speak to me too, i would like to speak to people who dont forget 1974, those that have sold out or prefer to be polite whilst forgetting 1974 are no good to me!
By the way that is my last post for you here! I will follow my tactic and ignore people that i do not like and they do not have much things to say! You do remind me free-cyprus by the way.
Anyway hope you get what you want and you will somebody to C**ted you off!
DINOS SKALIOTIS wrote:fanour?o wrote:Skaliotis must be renamed to Skatiotis.... such a mouthful only comes from uneducated street scam such as Scamiotis maybe?
i`m sure they are all so well educated up in the casinos you live in pesevengospouro! re gamoshisti before you call me uneducated learn to spell you ignorant turkosporo! and for your information i am a college lecturer in london not some scum bag thief brothoti who has to hide in trnc and work as a rentboy pillowbiter in some seedy illegal brothel-cum-casino! you yios tis kologamimenis!
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